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  • 搾乳体験:酪農体験のハイライトは,乳牛からの牛乳搾乳です。プロの酪農家から搾乳の方法を学び,自分の手で新鮮な牛乳を搾ることができます。搾りたての牛乳は,市販の牛乳とはまた違った濃厚でフレッシュな味わいを楽しめます。
  • 牛の世話:乳牛体験では,牛舎の掃除や餌やり,牛の体調管理など,酪農家の仕事を間近で体験します。大きな乳牛たちとの触れ合いを通じて,動物への愛情や酪農の責任感を感じることができます。
  • バター作り体験:搾りたての牛乳を使って,自家製バターを作る体験も提供される牧場があります。簡単な手作業で作れるバターは,自分で作ったという達成感と共に,その濃厚な味わいを楽しめます。



  • 車でのアクセス:別海町は,釧路市から車で約2時間の距離にあります。道中では,北海道ならではの広々とした草原や牧場風景を楽しむことができます。また,新千歳空港からも車で約5時間でアクセス可能です。
  • 公共交通機関でのアクセス:JRを利用する場合,釧路駅からバスで約2時間の移動が必要です。バスは定期的に運行しており,別海町内の主要な観光スポットや宿泊施設へのアクセスが可能です。



  • 牧場民泊施設:別海町の牧場民泊では,牧場の作業に参加しながら,地元の家庭料理を楽しむことができます。新鮮な牛乳やチーズ,バターなど,地元の食材を使った食事は,ここでしか味わえない特別なものです。また,家庭的な雰囲気の中で過ごす夜は,日常の喧騒から離れたリラックスした時間を提供してくれます。
  • オホーツク海に近い宿泊施設:別海町はオホーツク海にも近く,海沿いの宿泊施設も利用可能です。海の風を感じながら,地元の新鮮な海産物を味わうことができるのも魅力の一つです。



  • 別海ジャンボホタテ:オホーツク海で獲れるホタテは,その大きさと新鮮さで有名です。地元のレストランでは,ジャンボホタテを使った刺身やグリル料理が提供されており,訪れる旅行者に大人気です。
  • チーズとバター:酪農体験を通じて作った自家製バターやチーズは,濃厚な味わいと新鮮な風味が特徴です。地元の食堂やカフェでは,これらの乳製品を使った料理やスイーツも楽しめます。
  • 乳牛ソフトクリーム:別海町の牧場で作られた新鮮な牛乳を使ったソフトクリームは,滑らかな舌触りと濃厚な味わいが楽しめる一品です。牧場や観光スポットで販売されているので,ぜひ立ち寄ってみてください。



  • 乗馬体験:別海町では,牧場での乗馬体験ができる施設もあります。北海道の広大な草原を馬に乗って散策する体験は,日常では味わえない特別なアクティビティです。初心者でも楽しめるので,家族連れやカップルにも人気です。
  • サイクリング:別海町の広い牧草地や海岸線をサイクリングで巡ることもできます。広大な自然の中,自転車でゆっくりと風を感じながら走ることで,心身ともにリフレッシュできるでしょう。
  • 野鳥観察:別海町は,豊かな湿地帯と草原が広がっており,野鳥観察にも適した場所です。特に,春から夏にかけては,さまざまな種類の野鳥が飛来し,自然愛好家にとっては見逃せないスポットです。



Dairy Farm Experience in Betsukai: A Unique Stay with Nature and Agriculture

Located in eastern Hokkaido, Betsukai Town is renowned as one of Japan’s leading dairy farming regions, known for its expansive pastures and rich natural environment. For travelers, a dairy farm stay experience in Betsukai offers a rare opportunity to participate in daily farm activities, providing an immersive glimpse into the life of a dairy farmer while enjoying Hokkaido’s great outdoors. In this blog, we will explore the charm of Betsukai’s dairy farm stays, how to access the area, accommodation options, local dining, and activities to make your trip unforgettable.

The Appeal of Dairy Farm Experiences in Betsukai

Betsukai is blessed with vast tracts of fertile land, making it a prime location for dairy farming. During a dairy farm stay, visitors can engage in hands-on farm work and experience the day-to-day activities of a dairy farm. From milking cows in the early morning to feeding them and cleaning the barn, travelers gain a real understanding of what it takes to run a dairy farm.

  • Milking Experience: The highlight of any dairy farm experience is milking the cows. Under the guidance of professional farmers, visitors can learn how to milk cows and enjoy the satisfaction of tasting freshly collected milk. The fresh milk has a rich and creamy flavor that can’t be found in store-bought varieties.
  • Caring for Cows: In addition to milking, participants get to help with feeding the cows, cleaning their stalls, and ensuring the cows are healthy and comfortable. This hands-on interaction with the animals offers a deeper appreciation for the hard work and care involved in dairy farming.
  • Butter Making: Some farms also offer butter-making workshops, where visitors use freshly collected milk to make their own butter. The hands-on process is simple, and the rich, homemade butter is a rewarding treat that tastes even better when you’ve made it yourself.

Access Information

Betsukai Town is located in eastern Hokkaido and is accessible by both car and public transportation. The area’s vast farms and open landscapes make it a quintessential Hokkaido experience.

  • By Car: Betsukai is about a 2-hour drive from Kushiro, offering scenic views of Hokkaido’s wide-open spaces and farmland along the way. It is also about a 5-hour drive from New Chitose Airport, making it a rewarding destination for those looking to explore more rural areas.
  • By Public Transportation: From Kushiro Station, buses run regularly to Betsukai Town, with a journey time of around 2 hours. Buses also connect Betsukai with other major tourist spots in the region.

Accommodation Options

Betsukai offers a variety of accommodations, including farm stays where visitors can stay on-site with a local family and participate in daily farming activities. This type of accommodation allows guests to fully immerse themselves in the rural lifestyle and enjoy the hospitality of the farming community.

  • Farm Stay Lodgings: Many of Betsukai’s farm stays include both hands-on farm work and accommodation. Guests can enjoy homemade meals using locally sourced ingredients, including fresh dairy products like milk, cheese, and butter. Staying with a local family provides an authentic experience and a chance to learn about the rural way of life.
  • Accommodations Near the Sea of Okhotsk: For those who prefer to stay near the coast, Betsukai offers lodgings near the Sea of Okhotsk. Here, visitors can enjoy sea views and fresh seafood from the nearby waters, providing a perfect balance between farm life and coastal relaxation.

Local Dining

In addition to its dairy farming, Betsukai is also known for its fresh seafood and locally grown produce. The region’s rich agricultural and marine resources provide travelers with a variety of unique and flavorful dishes.

  • Betsukai Jumbo Scallops: Known for their size and freshness, the scallops from the Sea of Okhotsk are a must-try. Local restaurants serve these giant scallops grilled, raw as sashimi, or in hearty seafood dishes, making them a popular delicacy among visitors.
  • Cheese and Butter: Farm-to-table experiences in Betsukai often include tasting fresh butter and cheese made right on the farm. The rich flavors of these dairy products are unparalleled and can be enjoyed in various dishes at local restaurants or as standalone treats.
  • Dairy Soft Serve: Betsukai is also famous for its dairy-based soft serve ice cream, made from fresh milk produced on local farms. The creamy texture and rich flavor make it a perfect snack while exploring the town or after a day of farm work.


Beyond dairy farming, Betsukai offers a range of outdoor activities that take full advantage of the area’s expansive natural beauty. Visitors can experience the great outdoors through various recreational activities, making Betsukai an ideal destination for nature lovers.

  • Horseback Riding: Some farms offer horseback riding experiences, allowing visitors to explore Hokkaido’s vast pastures while riding a horse. The serene environment and connection with the animals create a memorable and peaceful experience, suitable for beginners and families alike.
  • Cycling: Betsukai’s wide-open fields and coastal roads provide excellent cycling routes. Visitors can enjoy the fresh air and scenic views as they bike through the countryside, experiencing Hokkaido’s rural landscapes at their own pace.
  • Bird Watching: With its abundant wetlands and grasslands, Betsukai is a haven for bird watchers. During the spring and summer months, a wide variety of bird species can be observed, making it a prime location for nature enthusiasts.


dairy farm stay in Betsukai offers a one-of-a-kind opportunity to experience life on a farm while surrounded by Hokkaido’s beautiful natural landscapes. From milking cows to making butter, travelers can gain hands-on experience in the dairy industry and appreciate the hard work that goes into producing fresh dairy products. Paired with the area’s fresh seafood and outdoor activities, a trip to Betsukai is a refreshing and educational escape into the heart of Hokkaido. Be sure to add Betsukai to your next travel itinerary for a truly unique and memorable experience!

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