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  • 観察シーズン:タンチョウの観察は,特に冬がおすすめです。湿原が雪に覆われ,白い大地の中でタンチョウが舞う姿は,幻想的で写真撮影にも最適です。11月から3月にかけては,タンチョウが集まる時期で,特に朝早くの時間帯には,タンチョウが飛来する姿を目撃することができます。
  • タンチョウ観察ポイント:釧路湿原内には,いくつかの観察ポイントがあります。代表的な場所としては,「鶴居・伊藤タンチョウサンクチュアリ」や「丹頂鶴自然公園」が挙げられます。これらの施設では,タンチョウの保護活動も行っており,鶴の生態について学ぶことができる展示もあります。



  • 車でのアクセス:釧路空港から釧路市内までは車で約20分,釧路湿原まで約40分ほどの距離です。レンタカーを利用することで,湿原内の複数の観察ポイントを効率よく回ることができます。
  • 公共交通機関でのアクセス:JR釧路駅から「釧路湿原駅」まで列車で約30分です。釧路湿原駅からは,周辺の観察スポットへのアクセスが可能で,湿原の中心部まで簡単に行くことができます。



  • 釧路湿原ノロッコ号と湯宿 くしろ湿原荘:湿原の自然を楽しめる温泉旅館で,釧路湿原ノロッコ号(観光列車)と連携したプランもあり,観光後に温泉でリフレッシュできます。
  • ホテルクラウンヒルズ釧路:釧路市内に位置するビジネスホテルで,市内観光や湿原へのアクセスも便利です。ビジネスと観光の両方に適しており,リーズナブルに滞在できます。



  • 釧路ラーメン:あっさりとした醤油ベースのスープが特徴の釧路ラーメンは,寒い冬のタンチョウ観察後に温まるのに最適な一品です。釧路市内の多くのラーメン店で楽しむことができます。
  • 海鮮丼:釧路港で水揚げされる新鮮な魚介類をふんだんに使用した海鮮丼は,ぜひ味わいたいグルメです。特に,イクラやウニがたっぷり乗った豪華な海鮮丼は,釧路を訪れた際の楽しみの一つです。



  • カヌーツアー:釧路湿原内を流れる川をカヌーで進むツアーは,湿原の自然を間近で感じられる人気のアクティビティです。タンチョウ以外にも,エゾシカや野鳥など,さまざまな動物たちに出会えるかもしれません。
  • ハイキングと散策:釧路湿原には,いくつかの遊歩道が整備されており,湿原内を歩きながらタンチョウの観察や,広大な湿地帯の風景を楽しむことができます。特に,「釧路湿原展望台」からは,湿原全体を見渡すことができ,絶景が広がります。




Red-Crowned Crane Observation in Kushiro Marsh: A Journey to Enjoy the Beauty of Nature

Located in eastern Hokkaido, Kushiro Marsh is Japan’s largest wetland, home to a diverse range of flora and fauna. Among the most famous of its inhabitants is the red-crowned crane (known as tancho), a symbol of grace and happiness. The sight of these majestic birds dancing in the snow-covered marsh is a breathtaking experience. In this blog, we’ll explore the appeal of red-crowned crane observation in Kushiro Marsh, as well as provide information on access, accommodations, dining, and activities to enhance your visit.

The Appeal of Red-Crowned Crane Observation

The red-crowned crane is a beautiful bird, known for its striking white and black feathers and elegant posture. The cranes perform an iconic mating dance during the winter, called a courtship dance, which is a mesmerizing sight in the serene, snowy landscape of Kushiro Marsh.

  • Best Observation Season: Winter, from November to March, is the best time to observe red-crowned cranes. During this season, the cranes gather in groups, and early mornings provide the best opportunities to see them flying or performing their graceful dances. The sight of these cranes against the backdrop of a snow-covered marsh is both picturesque and unforgettable.
  • Observation Points: Key spots for observing red-crowned cranes include the Tsurui-Ito Tancho Sanctuary and the Tancho Crane Nature Park. Both of these locations play important roles in the conservation of these birds and offer visitors an opportunity to learn more about their biology and behavior through informative displays and guided tours.

Access Information

Kushiro Marsh is easily accessible from the city of Kushiro, which serves as a convenient base for exploring the wetland and its observation points.

  • By Car: From Kushiro Airport, it takes about 20 minutes to drive to Kushiro city, and about 40 minutes to reach the marsh. Renting a car allows for greater flexibility, enabling visitors to explore multiple observation points around the marsh.
  • By Public Transportation: From JR Kushiro Station, take a train to Kushiro Shitsugen Station, a journey of about 30 minutes. From there, visitors can access the marsh’s observation spots, making it easy to enjoy the wetland without a car.

Accommodation Options

Kushiro and the surrounding area offer a variety of accommodations, from onsen resorts to budget-friendly hotels. After a day of observing cranes, guests can relax in the natural beauty of the region while enjoying local hospitality.

  • Kushiro Shitsugen Onsen and Lodge: A relaxing hot spring lodge located near the marsh, offering comfortable rooms and access to soothing hot spring baths. The lodge also offers packages that include rides on the Kushiro Shitsugen Norokko Train, a scenic train that tours the wetland.
  • Hotel Crown Hills Kushiro: Located in central Kushiro, this business hotel provides easy access to both the city and the marsh. With affordable rates and comfortable rooms, it’s a great option for both business and leisure travelers.

Dining Experiences

Kushiro is famous for its fresh seafood and regional specialties, making it a destination for food lovers. After a day of crane observation, visitors can warm up with local dishes like Kushiro ramen and fresh seafood bowls.

  • Kushiro Ramen: This local favorite is a light soy sauce-based ramen that’s perfect for warming up after a chilly day in the marsh. Many ramen shops in Kushiro serve this comforting dish, making it a must-try for visitors.
  • Seafood Bowls: Featuring freshly caught seafood from Kushiro Port, seafood bowls are a popular choice for those looking to indulge in the bounty of Hokkaido’s waters. Topped with uni (sea urchin), ikura (salmon roe), and other delicacies, these bowls offer a taste of the region’s finest seafood.


In addition to observing red-crowned cranes, Kushiro Marsh offers a variety of activities that allow visitors to explore and enjoy the natural beauty of Hokkaido’s largest wetland.

  • Canoe Tours: Canoeing through the rivers of Kushiro Marsh provides a unique perspective on the wetland. Along the way, visitors can observe wildlife such as deer, foxes, and various bird species. It’s a peaceful and immersive way to experience the marsh’s beauty.
  • Hiking and Walking: Several trails run through Kushiro Marsh, offering opportunities for leisurely hikes and scenic walks. The Kushiro Marsh Observatory provides panoramic views of the entire wetland, making it a must-visit spot for nature lovers and photographers.


Observing red-crowned cranes in Kushiro Marsh is a once-in-a-lifetime experience, offering a glimpse of these magnificent birds in their natural habitat. The elegance of their dances and the pristine beauty of the marsh create a serene and unforgettable atmosphere. When visiting Kushiro, be sure to make time for crane observation, savor the local seafood, and explore the area’s many outdoor activities. Your trip to Kushiro Marsh promises to be a deeply rewarding journey into the heart of Hokkaido’s natural wonders.

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