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アクセス情報: 大湯沼へのアクセスは,登別駅からバスで約15分,登別温泉バス停で下車後,徒歩約10分の距離にあります。札幌からはJRで約1時間半,登別駅からのバスで簡単にアクセスできます。また,車を利用する場合も,道央自動車道を経由して札幌から約1時間半で到着します。駐車場も完備されており,レンタカーでの訪問も便利です。

宿泊情報: 登別温泉周辺には,多くの宿泊施設が揃っており,旅行者はゆったりとした時間を過ごすことができます。「登別グランドホテル」や「第一滝本館」といった温泉宿では,源泉掛け流しの温泉を楽しむことができ,心身ともにリフレッシュすることができます。また,よりプライベートな空間を楽しみたい方には,露天風呂付きの客室を備えた高級旅館もおすすめです。


グルメ情報: 登別での食事は,地元の新鮮な食材を使った料理が楽しめます。特に,北海道ならではの海鮮料理や,登別牛を使ったステーキは絶品です。また,温泉街には,観光客向けのレストランやカフェが多く,和洋折衷の料理やデザートを味わうことができます。地熱を利用して作る温泉玉子もぜひ試してみてください。

アクティビティ情報: 大湯沼での地熱体験のほかにも,登別温泉周辺ではさまざまなアクティビティが楽しめます。特に,「地獄谷」は,大湯沼と並んで登別を代表する観光スポットで,荒々しい地形と迫力のある湯煙が見どころです。また,「登別マリンパークニクス」や「登別クマ牧場」といったファミリー向けの観光スポットも充実しており,家族連れにも人気です。さらに,温泉街では,温泉まんじゅうや地元特産品のお土産を購入することもできます。



Geothermal Experience at Oyunuma in Noboribetsu: Access Information, Accommodation, Cuisine, and Activities

Located in Hokkaido, Noboribetsu is renowned for its hot springs, with Oyunuma being one of its most captivating attractions. This geothermal area allows visitors to feel the raw power of nature, making it a popular destination for those seeking a unique experience. In this article, we’ll explore the geothermal wonders of Oyunuma, along with essential information on access, accommodation, cuisine, and activities.

The Charm of Oyunuma

Oyunuma is a sulfur-rich hot spring pond formed by volcanic activity around 4,500 years ago. With a diameter of approximately 200 meters, this large pond continuously emits white steam, creating a dramatic and awe-inspiring scene. The water temperature ranges from 50 to 80 degrees Celsius, and the distinct sulfur aroma adds to the sensory experience. Visitors can feel the geothermal energy while enjoying the surrounding natural beauty.

The hot spring water from Oyunuma flows into a stream known as “Yunokawa,” where visitors can experience making onsen eggs. This interactive experience adds a fun element to the visit, allowing tourists to engage with Noboribetsu’s natural and historical aspects.

Access Information: Oyunuma is easily accessible by bus, about a 15-minute ride from Noboribetsu Station, followed by a 10-minute walk from the Noboribetsu Onsen bus stop. From Sapporo, it’s a 1.5-hour train ride to Noboribetsu Station, followed by a short bus ride. If you’re driving, the journey from Sapporo takes about 1.5 hours via the Doo Expressway. Ample parking is available, making it convenient for those renting a car.

Accommodation Information: The Noboribetsu Onsen area offers a wide range of accommodations, perfect for a relaxing stay. Hotels like “Noboribetsu Grand Hotel” and “Dai-ichi Takimotokan” provide guests with access to soothing hot springs, ideal for unwinding after a day of exploring. For those seeking more privacy, luxury inns with private outdoor baths are also available, offering an exclusive experience.

Cuisine Information: Dining in Noboribetsu is a treat, with local dishes made from fresh Hokkaido ingredients. Seafood is a highlight, with local specialties such as seafood bowls and Noboribetsu beef steaks being particularly popular. The hot spring town also has a variety of restaurants and cafes offering a mix of Japanese and Western dishes, as well as desserts. Don’t forget to try the onsen eggs cooked using geothermal heat!

Activity Information: Beyond the geothermal experience at Oyunuma, Noboribetsu offers a range of activities for visitors. “Jigokudani” (Hell Valley) is a must-see, featuring rugged terrain and dramatic steam vents. Family-friendly attractions like “Noboribetsu Marine Park Nixe” and “Noboribetsu Bear Park” are also popular, offering fun for all ages. Additionally, visitors can explore the hot spring town’s shops, where local sweets and specialty products make perfect souvenirs.


Oyunuma in Noboribetsu is a unique destination where visitors can feel the power of geothermal energy. With easy access, a variety of accommodations, and excellent dining options, it’s an ideal spot for a relaxing getaway. When visiting Noboribetsu, be sure to experience the natural wonders of Oyunuma and enjoy a rejuvenating stay in this charming hot spring town.

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