
アクセス情報: 小樽運河へは,JR小樽駅から徒歩約10分の距離にあり,市内の主要観光スポットへも徒歩圏内でアクセスできます。また,札幌からJR快速エアポートを利用すれば,約40分で小樽に到着するため,日帰り旅行にも最適です。
宿泊情報: 小樽運河周辺には,小樽運河ホテルやグランドパーク小樽などの宿泊施設があり,運河沿いの美しい景色を楽しみながら滞在できます。運河を望む部屋を予約すれば,朝夕の異なる表情を堪能できるでしょう。
グルメ情報: 小樽は,新鮮な海産物が豊富なことで知られています。特に,小樽運河沿いには,新鮮な寿司を提供する名店が多数あります。また,小樽ならではのスイーツとして,有名な小樽洋菓子舗ルタオのケーキやチーズケーキも外せません。カフェで一休みしながら,小樽の甘美な味を楽しんでみてください。
アクティビティ情報: 小樽運河では,運河クルーズが人気のアクティビティです。昼間のクルーズでは,運河沿いの歴史的な建物や美しい景観を楽しめ,夜のクルーズではライトアップされたロマンチックな景色が広がります。また,運河沿いには美術館やガラス工房が点在しており,アートや手作り体験も楽しめます。

アクセス情報: これらの歴史的建造物は,小樽運河から徒歩圏内に集中しています。JR小樽駅からも徒歩でアクセスできるため,散策しながら観光するのがおすすめです。
宿泊情報: 歴史的建造物を巡る旅を楽しむなら,クラシックな雰囲気の「ホテルノイシュロス小樽」や,レトロな「小樽グランドホテル」に宿泊するのも一興です。どちらも小樽の歴史を感じさせる趣のある宿泊施設です。
グルメ情報: 歴史的建造物内には,カフェやレストランが併設されていることも多く,特に「北一ホール」では,ガラス工芸品に囲まれながら,優雅なティータイムを過ごせます。また,古い倉庫を改装した「なると屋」では,昔ながらの味わいを楽しめる鶏の唐揚げが名物です。
アクティビティ情報: 小樽の歴史的建造物を巡る散策ツアーに参加することで,より深く小樽の歴史を学ぶことができます。また,小樽オルゴール堂でのオルゴール作り体験や,ガラス工房でのガラス吹き体験も,特別な思い出になるでしょう。
アクセス情報: 小樽運河プラザは,小樽運河の中心に位置しており,JR小樽駅から徒歩約10分です。運河沿いの散策の途中に立ち寄ることができる便利なロケーションです。
宿泊情報: プラザ周辺には,「運河の宿小樽ふる川」や「オーセントホテル小樽」など,落ち着いた雰囲気で過ごせる宿泊施設があります。どちらも運河沿いに位置しており,風情ある景色を楽しめます。
グルメ情報: プラザ内では,小樽ビールを楽しめるレストラン「運河ビアホール」が人気です。地元の新鮮な食材を使った料理と共に,冷たいビールを堪能できます。また,館内のカフェでは,手作りのスイーツや軽食が楽しめます。
アクティビティ情報: 小樽運河プラザでは,地元の工芸品の展示やワークショップも開催されており,小樽の文化に触れることができます。また,プラザ内を歩き回りながら,小樽の歴史や文化を紹介する映像展示を見るのもおすすめです。
A Journey Through the History and Canal of Otaru
Otaru: A Historical Port Town with a Beautiful Canal and Stone Buildings
Otaru, located on the western coast of Hokkaido, is a historical port town known for its beautiful canal and stone buildings, making it a popular tourist destination. Once a thriving center of commerce and trade, Otaru still retains traces of its prosperous past. In this article, we will introduce travelers to spots they can enjoy, as well as information on access, accommodations, dining, and activities, all centered around a journey through Otaru’s history and canal.
Otaru Canal: A Waterside Stroll Filled with History and Romance
Otaru Canal, completed in 1923, stretches about 1.1 km and was once a bustling hub for maritime logistics. Today, its beautiful scenery and historic buildings are preserved, drawing many visitors as a tourist attraction. A leisurely walk along the cobblestone path by the canal, especially at dusk when the gas lamps are lit, creates a particularly romantic atmosphere. Along the canal, there are numerous cafes and souvenir shops where you can relax and spend your time.
Access Information: Otaru Canal is about a 10-minute walk from JR Otaru Station, and it is within walking distance of other major sightseeing spots in the city. Additionally, you can reach Otaru in about 40 minutes from Sapporo by taking the JR Rapid Airport Line, making it ideal for a day trip.
Accommodation Information: There are several accommodations around Otaru Canal, such as the Otaru Canal Hotel and Grand Park Otaru, where you can enjoy beautiful views of the canal during your stay. If you book a room with a canal view, you can appreciate the changing scenery from morning to evening.
Gourmet Information: Otaru is known for its abundance of fresh seafood. Especially along Otaru Canal, there are numerous renowned restaurants serving fresh sushi. Additionally, don’t miss out on Otaru’s famous sweets, such as cakes and cheesecakes from the popular pâtisserie LeTAO. Take a break at a cafe and indulge in the sweet flavors of Otaru.
Activity Information: A canal cruise is a popular activity at Otaru Canal. The daytime cruise offers views of the historic buildings and beautiful landscapes along the canal, while the nighttime cruise showcases the romantically lit scenery. Additionally, there are museums and glass workshops along the canal where you can enjoy art and hands-on experiences.
Otaru’s Historical Buildings: Streetscapes Retaining the Charm of the Meiji and Taisho Eras
Otaru is home to many historical buildings that were constructed during the Meiji and Taisho eras. These buildings tell the story of Otaru’s prosperous past and are now used as museums, galleries, and restaurants. For example, the Former Otaru Branch of the Bank of Japan Financial Museum and the Otaru Museum are partially open to the public and are worth a visit. Another popular tourist spot is the Otaru Music Box Museum, where the soothing sounds of handmade music boxes create a pleasant ambiance.
Access Information: These historical buildings are concentrated within walking distance of Otaru Canal. They are also easily accessible on foot from JR Otaru Station, making it recommended to explore them while taking a stroll.
Accommodation Information: To fully enjoy a journey through Otaru’s historical buildings, staying at a place with a classic atmosphere, such as Hotel Neuschloss Otaru or the retro Otaru Grand Hotel, is a great option. Both accommodations offer a unique charm that reflects Otaru’s history.
Gourmet Information: Many of the historical buildings also house cafes and restaurants. At Kitaichi Hall, for example, you can enjoy an elegant tea time surrounded by glass art. At Narutoya, located in a renovated old warehouse, the specialty is fried chicken, offering a taste of the past.
Activity Information: Participating in a guided walking tour of Otaru’s historical buildings will provide a deeper understanding of the city’s history. A music box-making experience at the Otaru Music Box Museum or glassblowing at a glass workshop will also make for special memories.
Otaru Canal Plaza: Experience Otaru’s Culture and Local Products
Otaru Canal Plaza is a tourist facility located along the canal that brings together local products and crafts from Otaru. Here, you can purchase local specialties and learn about Otaru’s history and culture. It also serves as a convenient starting point for exploring Otaru, with a tourist information center on-site. The plaza also features a beer hall where you can taste Otaru beer and shops selling glass crafts, making it an ideal place to find Otaru-themed souvenirs.
Access Information: Otaru Canal Plaza is centrally located along Otaru Canal, about a 10-minute walk from JR Otaru Station. It’s conveniently situated for a stop while strolling along the canal.
Accommodation Information: Around the plaza, there are accommodations such as Otaru Furukawa and Authent Hotel Otaru, where you can enjoy a peaceful stay in a calm atmosphere. Both are located along the canal, offering scenic views.
Gourmet Information: The restaurant “Canal Beer Hall” in the plaza is popular for enjoying Otaru beer. You can savor dishes made with fresh local ingredients along with a cold beer. The cafe inside the plaza also offers handmade sweets and light meals.
Activity Information: Otaru Canal Plaza hosts exhibitions and workshops featuring local crafts, allowing you to experience Otaru’s culture. You can also explore the facility while watching video displays that introduce Otaru’s history and culture.
Otaru is a charming tourist destination characterized by its romantic streetscapes created by the canal and historical buildings. Centered around Otaru Canal, you can enjoy a journey through history and culture while indulging in fresh seafood and local gourmet offerings. The various activities, such as canal cruises and glass craft experiences, ensure that both families and couples will have a fulfilling trip. When you visit Otaru, be sure to explore these spots and create wonderful memories.