アクセス情報 積丹半島へのアクセスは,札幌から車で約2時間の距離にあります。公共交通機関を利用する場合は,札幌駅から余市駅までJRで移動し,そこからバスで積丹半島へ向かうルートが便利です。バスは本数が限られているため,事前に時刻表を確認しておくことをお勧めします。
宿泊情報 積丹には,観光客向けの宿泊施設がいくつかあります。特におすすめなのは,積丹岬近くのペンションや旅館です。温泉付きの宿も多く,海での活動を楽しんだ後に温泉でゆっくりとリラックスすることができます。また,キャンプ場もあるため,自然の中での滞在を満喫したい方にはキャンプもおすすめです。
グルメ情報 積丹は新鮮な海の幸で有名です。特にウニやアワビなどの高級海産物が名物で,地元のレストランで味わうことができます。積丹ブルーの美しい海を眺めながら,新鮮なウニ丼や海鮮丼を楽しむのは最高の贅沢です。
アクティビティ情報 積丹では,ビーチコーミング以外にも,シュノーケリングやダイビングが楽しめます。また,積丹岬でのハイキングも人気で,絶景を楽しみながらのトレッキングは格別です。夏にはクルージングツアーもあり,海から積丹ブルーを堪能できます。

アクセス情報 苫小牧へは,札幌からJRで約1時間,車でも約1時間半の距離です。新千歳空港からも車で約30分とアクセスが良好です。苫小牧市内の公共交通機関も充実しており,市内のビーチへの移動もスムーズに行えます。
宿泊情報 苫小牧にはビジネスホテルからリゾートホテルまで,さまざまな宿泊施設があります。ウトナイ湖周辺には自然豊かな環境の中でリラックスできる宿泊施設も多く,アウトドア体験を楽しむ方におすすめです。また,温泉付きの宿泊施設もあるため,疲れた体を癒やすことができます。
グルメ情報 苫小牧はホッキ貝の産地として有名です。ホッキカレーやホッキ丼といった,地元ならではの海鮮料理が堪能できます。さらに,新鮮な魚介類を使った寿司や刺身も楽しめるため,ビーチコーミングの後は美味しい海の幸を味わってください。
アクティビティ情報 苫小牧では,ビーチコーミング以外にも,ウトナイ湖でのバードウォッチングや湖畔を散策するアクティビティが楽しめます。また,苫小牧周辺にはゴルフ場や乗馬体験ができる施設もあり,家族連れで訪れるにも最適です。
Beachcombing: Shell and Seaweed Gathering in Shakotan and Tomakomai
Hokkaido is renowned for its breathtaking natural beauty throughout the seasons, and the coasts of Shakotan and Tomakomai offer perfect spots for beachcombing. Beachcombing is the activity of walking along the shoreline, collecting natural treasures like seashells, seaweed, and driftwood, making it a relaxing and enjoyable outdoor activity for families and friends. In this article, we’ll explore the joys of beachcombing in Shakotan and Tomakomai, providing practical access information, accommodation, cuisine, and activities for travelers.
Beachcombing in Shakotan
The Shakotan Peninsula, located on Hokkaido’s western coast, is famous for its stunning natural landscapes. The clear waters, known as “Shakotan Blue,” attract numerous visitors seeking the beauty of the region. Along the beaches near Cape Shakotan, you can find various types of seashells and vibrant seaweed during your beachcombing adventures. The sandy beaches around Cape Shakotan are especially popular with families, offering plenty of treasures to discover.
Access Information Shakotan Peninsula is about a two-hour drive from Sapporo. For those using public transportation, you can take a JR train from Sapporo to Yoichi Station and then transfer to a bus heading towards the Shakotan Peninsula. Since buses are limited, it’s recommended to check the schedule in advance.
Accommodation Information Shakotan offers several accommodation options for visitors. Staying at a guesthouse or ryokan near Cape Shakotan is highly recommended, many of which also feature hot springs, providing a perfect way to relax after a day of outdoor activities. There are also campsites for those who prefer a more immersive natural experience.
Cuisine Information Shakotan is famous for its fresh seafood. Sea urchin and abalone are local delicacies, and you can enjoy them at the many restaurants along the coast. There’s nothing quite like savoring a fresh uni-don (sea urchin rice bowl) or seafood bowl while admiring the beauty of Shakotan Blue.
Activity Information In addition to beachcombing, Shakotan offers activities like snorkeling and diving in its crystal-clear waters. Hiking around Cape Shakotan is another popular activity, with breathtaking views along the way. During summer, boat cruises are available, offering an opportunity to experience the beauty of Shakotan from the water.
Beachcombing in Tomakomai
Tomakomai, located in southern Hokkaido, features vast stretches of sandy beaches perfect for beachcombing. You’ll find various types of seashells, seaweed, and beautiful driftwood scattered along the shore, especially on windy days. The beaches near Tomakomai West Port and around Lake Utonai are ideal for beginners to enjoy beachcombing.
Access Information Tomakomai is about an hour by JR train from Sapporo and roughly 1.5 hours by car. It’s also conveniently located about 30 minutes by car from New Chitose Airport. The city’s public transportation system makes it easy to reach the beaches.
Accommodation Information Tomakomai offers a range of accommodations, from business hotels to resort-style accommodations. Near Lake Utonai, you’ll find more nature-centric lodgings, ideal for those looking to relax in a serene environment. Hot spring accommodations are also available, providing a relaxing end to your beachcombing adventures.
Cuisine Information Tomakomai is famous for its production of surf clams (hokkigai). Local specialties such as hokkigai curry and hokkigai rice bowls are must-try dishes. The fresh seafood offerings, including sushi and sashimi, are also a delight for visitors. After a day on the beach, be sure to treat yourself to the delicious local cuisine.
Activity Information Aside from beachcombing, Tomakomai offers activities such as birdwatching around Lake Utonai, where visitors can enjoy walking trails and observe a variety of bird species. The area is also home to golf courses and horseback riding facilities, making it a great destination for families.
Shakotan and Tomakomai are perfect destinations for beachcombing in Hokkaido. Shakotan offers clear blue waters and beautiful shorelines where you can collect seashells and seaweed, while Tomakomai provides vast, relaxing beaches with plenty of natural treasures. Both locations offer excellent access, accommodations, and local cuisine, making them ideal spots for travelers. Be sure to experience the wonders of beachcombing on Hokkaido’s coasts and enjoy the luxury of connecting with nature.