- 上品な甘みと旨味:キンキの身は脂がたっぷりと乗っており,煮付けにすることでその脂が甘辛いタレに溶け込み,豊かな旨味とコクが楽しめます。
- シンプルな味付けで引き立つ風味:醤油,みりん,砂糖,酒などのシンプルな調味料でキンキの味を引き立てるため,素材の良さがそのまま味わえます。家庭でも作られる料理ですが,プロの料理人が手がける煮付けは特に美味しく,北海道の名店で味わうのがおすすめです。
- 釧路エリア:釧路は,キンキの煮付けを楽しめる名店が多いエリアです。釧路市内の和食店や居酒屋では,獲れたてのキンキを使った煮付けが提供されており,ふっくらとした身とタレの風味が絶妙です。観光地である「釧路フィッシャーマンズワーフMOO」や「和商市場」などでも,新鮮なキンキを使った料理が楽しめます。
- 根室エリア:根室もキンキの産地として知られており,地元の料理店ではキンキの煮付けが定番メニューとして提供されています。港町ならではの新鮮な魚介とともに,キンキの煮付けを堪能することができます。
- 函館エリア:函館も海鮮料理の宝庫であり,キンキの煮付けも人気メニューの一つです。朝市などでは,新鮮なキンキを購入することができ,料理店ではプロの技で煮付けにした絶品料理を味わえます。

- 釧路へのアクセス:新千歳空港から釧路空港までは飛行機で約1時間。空港から釧路市内までは車で約40分ほどです。また,札幌からはJRで約4時間の道のりです。
- 根室へのアクセス:釧路空港から車で約2時間半で根室に到着します。また,JRを利用する場合は,釧路駅からJR根室本線で約2時間半です。根室は道東エリアの観光拠点としてもおすすめの場所です。
- 函館へのアクセス:新千歳空港から函館空港までは飛行機で約1時間ほどで,空港から函館市内までは車で約20分です。札幌から函館へはJRの特急列車で約3時間半の所要時間でアクセスできます。
- 温泉宿でゆったり:釧路や根室,函館周辺には温泉宿があり,新鮮な魚介類を使った料理とともに温泉を楽しめる贅沢な宿泊が可能です。露天風呂からの眺めを楽しみながら,ゆっくりとした時間を過ごせます。
- ホテル・ペンション:観光やグルメ巡りの拠点として,市街地にあるホテルやペンションもおすすめです。リーズナブルなビジネスホテルから,風情のある宿まで幅広く選べます。
- 民宿・漁師宿:より地元の雰囲気を味わいたい方には,民宿や漁師宿での滞在も魅力的です。地元の人との交流を楽しみながら,新鮮な魚料理を堪能できるのも民宿ならではの魅力です。
- 海鮮料理巡り:キンキ以外にも,カニ,ホタテ,サケ,イカなど,北海道の海産物は豊富です。刺身や焼き物,鍋料理など,さまざまな形で楽しむことができます。特に朝市などでは,新鮮な魚介類をその場で味わえるのが魅力です。
- 市場散策:釧路の「和商市場」や函館の「函館朝市」は,新鮮な海産物がずらりと並ぶ活気あふれる市場です。ここでキンキを購入して自宅で調理することも可能ですし,その場で新鮮な海鮮丼を楽しむこともできます。
- 自然観光:道東エリアでは釧路湿原や阿寒湖,根室の納沙布岬など,美しい自然景観が多くあります。函館では五稜郭や函館山の夜景が人気観光スポットで,これらを巡る旅もおすすめです。
Braised Kinki Fish: A Hokkaido Specialty with Rich Flavor
Braised Kinki Fish is a traditional dish made by simmering fresh Kinki fish (Rockfish) in a sweet and savory soy-based sauce. Particularly popular in eastern Hokkaido areas like Kushiro and Nemuro, this dish is beloved by both locals and visitors for its rich flavor and tender texture. The Kinki fish, with its naturally fatty and flavorful flesh, is cooked with simple ingredients such as soy sauce, mirin, and sugar, highlighting the true taste of Hokkaido’s seafood.
The Appeal of Braised Kinki Fish
The tender, fatty flesh of Kinki fish pairs perfectly with the sweet and savory sauce, making it an ideal dish to enjoy with both rice and sake. Kinki fish are found in the cold waters of the Sea of Japan and the Okhotsk Sea, where their rich flavor and firm texture are highly prized.
- Rich and Sweet Umami Flavor: The braising process allows the natural fat of the Kinki fish to blend into the sauce, resulting in a deep, umami-rich taste that is both comforting and satisfying.
- Simple Yet Flavorful Seasoning: The use of simple seasonings like soy sauce, mirin, sugar, and sake brings out the best in the fresh fish. While it can be made at home, professional chefs in Hokkaido restaurants often elevate the dish to a gourmet level.
Best Places to Enjoy Braised Kinki Fish
Hokkaido has many restaurants where you can savor freshly prepared braised Kinki. The best spots are found in Kushiro, Nemuro, and Hakodate, areas known for their fresh seafood.
- Kushiro Area: Kushiro is home to many renowned restaurants serving braised Kinki. Local izakayas and Japanese restaurants in the city offer freshly caught Kinki cooked to perfection. Popular spots like “Kushiro Fisherman’s Wharf MOO” and the “Washo Market” are excellent places to enjoy this dish.
- Nemuro Area: Nemuro is also a prominent Kinki fish region. Local eateries serve this dish as a regular menu item, allowing you to taste the freshness of Kinki alongside other local seafood.
- Hakodate Area: Known for its seafood cuisine, Hakodate also offers braised Kinki as a popular menu option. At the morning market, you can find freshly caught Kinki, and local chefs prepare it as a delicious braised dish.
Access Information
To enjoy braised Kinki, visiting fishing towns like Kushiro, Nemuro, and Hakodate is ideal. These areas are also rich in tourist attractions, making them perfect destinations for an all-around Hokkaido experience.
- Access to Kushiro: From New Chitose Airport, it’s about a 1-hour flight to Kushiro Airport. A 40-minute drive from the airport will take you to Kushiro City. Alternatively, take the JR train from Sapporo, which takes around 4 hours.
- Access to Nemuro: From Kushiro Airport, a 2.5-hour drive or a 2.5-hour JR ride from Kushiro Station on the Nemuro Main Line will get you to Nemuro.
- Access to Hakodate: From New Chitose Airport, fly to Hakodate Airport in about 1 hour, then drive 20 minutes to Hakodate City. The JR Limited Express from Sapporo takes around 3.5 hours.
Accommodation Options
After savoring braised Kinki, consider staying in one of the many accommodations available in Hokkaido’s coastal areas, from hotels to ryokan and hot spring inns.
- Relax at Hot Spring Inns: Hot spring inns (onsen ryokan) in Kushiro, Nemuro, and Hakodate offer the luxury of soaking in natural hot springs while enjoying fresh seafood cuisine.
- Hotels and Pensions: For those seeking a city-based experience, hotels and pensions in the downtown areas provide convenient access to sightseeing and dining spots.
- Farmstays and Fishermen’s Inns: For an authentic experience, consider staying at a farmstay or fishermen’s inn, where you can interact with locals and enjoy freshly caught seafood prepared in traditional ways.
Local Activities and Gourmet Exploration
There’s more to do than just enjoy braised Kinki; explore local markets, try other seafood dishes, and enjoy the beauty of nature in the surrounding areas.
- Seafood Gourmet Tour: Besides Kinki, Hokkaido offers an array of seafood, including crab, scallops, salmon, and squid. Try them raw, grilled, or in hot pots for a true taste of the sea.
- Market Strolls: Visit lively seafood markets like “Washo Market” in Kushiro or the “Hakodate Morning Market,” where you can find fresh seafood to take home or enjoy on-site in a seafood bowl.
- Nature and Sightseeing: In eastern Hokkaido, explore the Kushiro Wetland, Lake Akan, and Cape Nosappuin Nemuro. In Hakodate, enjoy the view from Mt. Hakodate and explore the historical Goryokaku.
Braised Kinki Fish is a quintessential Hokkaido dish that combines the rich flavor of fresh fish with a delicately balanced sweet and savory sauce. Visit areas like Kushiro, Nemuro, and Hakodate to experience the best of this dish, alongside other seafood delights and scenic views. Make the most of your Hokkaido journey by tasting this local specialty, and create unforgettable memories with the unique flavors and welcoming hospitality of Hokkaido.