
奥尻町 – 奥尻島での自然探訪と海の幸を堪能する旅

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奥尻町 - 奥尻島での自然探訪と海の幸を堪能する旅




  • なべつる岩:海岸に突き出た奇岩で,まるで鍋のつるのような形をしています。この自然のアートを背景に写真を撮るのは,奥尻島を訪れる観光客にとっての定番アクティビティです。
  • 北限のブナ林:奥尻島には,日本海沿岸では珍しいブナの原生林があります。このエリアは,トレッキングやハイキングが楽しめる自然豊かなスポットです。



  • ウニ:奥尻島で特に有名なのが,ウニです。夏のシーズンには,島の至るところで新鮮なウニ料理が楽しめます。ウニ丼やウニ刺しは,絶品で一度は味わってみたい逸品です。
  • アワビ:アワビも島の特産品として知られ,鮮度抜群のアワビを刺身や焼き物で楽しむことができます。
  • 海鮮丼:奥尻島の漁港では,新鮮な魚介類をふんだんに使った海鮮丼も人気です。旬の魚をたっぷりと味わえる贅沢な一品で,訪れた際にはぜひ試してみてください。



  • フェリーでのアクセス:北海道の江差港やせたな港からフェリーが運行しています。江差港から奥尻島までの所要時間は約2時間30分です。フェリーは1日数便運行しているため,スケジュールに合わせて訪れることができます。
  • 飛行機でのアクセス:奥尻空港には,函館空港からの直行便が運行しており,約35分で到着します。飛行機を利用すれば,短時間で島にアクセスできるため,時間が限られている旅行者には便利です。



  • 温泉宿:奥尻島には,温泉付きの宿泊施設もあります。温泉に浸かりながら,海を眺める贅沢なひとときを過ごすことができます。特に,夕暮れ時のオーシャンビューは格別です。
  • 民宿:アットホームな雰囲気を楽しみたい方には,民宿もおすすめです。地元の人々との交流や,家庭的な料理を味わうことができ,島の暮らしをより深く体験できます。



  • 釣り:奥尻島の周辺は,釣り愛好者にとってのパラダイスです。サケやカレイ,ヒラメなどが釣れるため,釣りを楽しむには最適なスポットです。
  • ダイビング:透明度の高い海でのダイビングも人気のアクティビティです。海底には美しいサンゴや多彩な魚が生息しており,ダイバーには絶好のポイントです。
  • サイクリング:島の周りをサイクリングで巡るのもおすすめです。島内には比較的穏やかな道が多く,のんびりと自然を楽しみながらサイクリングができます。



Okushiri Town: Exploring Nature and Enjoying Seafood on Okushiri Island

Okushiri Island, located off the coast of Hokkaido, is a hidden gem known for its stunning natural beauty and fresh seafood. Surrounded by the Sea of Japan, the island offers travelers a peaceful escape, perfect for nature lovers and those looking for a quiet retreat. In this blog, we’ll explore the best natural spots, seafood delicacies, how to get to the island, and recommended accommodations and activities.

Nature Exploration on Okushiri Island

Okushiri Island is known for its unspoiled landscapes and natural wonders. One of the most famous attractions is Nabetsuru Rock, a striking natural rock formation that has become a symbol of the island. Visitors can also enjoy scenic views from Cape Aonae, where the panoramic views of the Sea of Japan are simply breathtaking.

  • Nabetsuru Rock: This iconic rock formation resembles the handle of a pot, giving it its name. It’s a popular photo spot for tourists and represents the island’s natural beauty.
  • Beech Forest: The island is also home to rare beech forests, where travelers can enjoy trekking through lush greenery.

Savoring Fresh Seafood on Okushiri Island

Okushiri Island is surrounded by nutrient-rich waters, making it a paradise for seafood lovers. Some of the island’s signature dishes include:

  • Sea Urchin (Uni): Okushiri Island is famous for its fresh sea urchin. During the summer, visitors can enjoy uni bowls and uni sashimi, known for their rich and creamy flavors.
  • Abalone: Another specialty of the island is fresh abalone, which can be enjoyed as sashimi or grilled.
  • Seafood Bowls: Local seafood bowls, packed with fresh catches from the sea, are a must-try. They feature a variety of seasonal fish and shellfish, offering a true taste of the ocean.

How to Access Okushiri Island

There are two main ways to get to Okushiri Island: by ferry or by plane. The island is accessible from various points in Hokkaido, making it an easy addition to any Hokkaido itinerary.

  • By Ferry: Ferries to Okushiri Island operate from Esashi and Setana ports. The ferry from Esashi takes about 2.5 hours, with several daily services, making it convenient for visitors.
  • By Plane: Okushiri Airport is served by flights from Hakodate Airport, with a direct flight taking approximately 35 minutes. This option is ideal for those short on time but wanting to experience the island.

Accommodation on Okushiri Island

Okushiri Island offers a range of accommodations, from traditional inns to more modern hotels, allowing visitors to relax in a serene environment.

  • Hot Spring Inns: Some inns on the island feature hot spring baths with ocean views, perfect for unwinding after a day of exploration.
  • Guesthouses: For those seeking a more local experience, guesthouses and minshuku (family-run inns) provide a homely atmosphere and the opportunity to interact with locals.

Activities on Okushiri Island

There are plenty of activities on Okushiri Island that allow visitors to fully immerse themselves in its natural beauty.

  • Fishing: The waters around Okushiri are a haven for fishing enthusiasts. Whether it’s salmon, flatfish, or flounder, the island offers plenty of opportunities for a rewarding fishing experience.
  • Diving: With its crystal-clear waters, Okushiri is a great spot for diving. Divers can explore colorful coral reefs and vibrant marine life.
  • Cycling: Cycling around the island is another popular way to enjoy the scenery. The island’s calm roads and beautiful views make it perfect for a leisurely ride.


Okushiri Island is a perfect destination for nature exploration and seafood lovers alike. With its breathtaking landscapes, fresh seafood, and tranquil atmosphere, it offers visitors a unique opportunity to escape the hustle and bustle of everyday life. Whether arriving by ferry or plane, this hidden gem of Hokkaido promises a memorable experience filled with nature, adventure, and delicious cuisine.

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