- バターの風味とレーズンのハーモニー:六花亭のバターサンドは,北海道産のバターを贅沢に使用しており,そのリッチな味わいが特徴です。ラム酒に漬け込まれたレーズンがバタークリームにアクセントを加え,絶妙な甘さと香りを楽しむことができます。サクサクのクッキーとの相性も抜群で,一口ごとに異なる食感が楽しめます。
- お土産としても人気:六花亭のバターサンドは,お土産としても非常に人気があります。個包装されているため,持ち帰りにも便利で,友人や家族へのプレゼントにも最適です。北海道の自然豊かな環境で育まれた素材を使ったこのスイーツは,北海道旅行の思い出としても,喜ばれること間違いありません。
- 札幌本店へのアクセス:札幌市内にある六花亭札幌本店は,札幌駅から徒歩約10分の距離にあります。観光やショッピングのついでに立ち寄ることができるため,旅行者にも便利な場所です。店舗では,バターサンドの購入だけでなく,カフェスペースもあり,スイーツを楽しみながら休憩することができます。
- 帯広本店へのアクセス:六花亭の発祥地である帯広市には,六花亭帯広本店があります。帯広駅から徒歩約10分の位置にあり,地元の人々にも親しまれています。帯広本店限定の商品も販売されているため,特別なスイーツを楽しみたい方にはおすすめです。

- 札幌のホテル:札幌市内には,シティホテルやビジネスホテル,温泉ホテルなど,さまざまなタイプの宿泊施設があります。市内中心部に滞在することで,六花亭の本店や他の観光スポットへのアクセスも便利です。特に,夜景を楽しめる高層ホテルや,天然温泉付きのホテルが人気です。
- 帯広の温泉宿:帯広周辺には,十勝川温泉など,豊かな自然に囲まれた温泉宿があります。温泉に浸かりながらリラックスできる宿泊施設は,北海道ならではの贅沢な体験を提供してくれます。十勝川温泉では,美肌効果が期待できるモール温泉が有名で,旅の疲れを癒してくれます。
- ジンギスカン:北海道名物のジンギスカンは,羊肉を特製のタレで焼いて食べる料理で,札幌や帯広で人気があります。バターサンドを味わった後には,ジンギスカンで食事を楽しむのもおすすめです。
- 帯広豚丼:帯広で有名な豚丼は,甘辛いタレで味付けした豚肉を白ご飯の上に乗せたボリューム満点の一品です。六花亭帯広本店の訪問ついでに,地元の名物を楽しむことができます。
- 札幌観光:札幌では,大通公園や時計台,北海道庁旧本庁舎など,歴史的な建造物を巡る観光が人気です。特に冬季には,さっぽろ雪まつりが開催され,多くの観光客で賑わいます。
- 帯広の農業体験:帯広周辺では,農業体験も楽しめます。広大な畑での野菜収穫や酪農体験は,都市部では味わえない貴重な体験です。自然と触れ合いながら,北海道の農業の魅力を感じることができます。
Rokkatei Butter Sand: A Hokkaido Delicacy You Can’t Miss
When visiting Hokkaido, one of the must-try local treats is Rokkatei’s Butter Sand. This iconic dessert, made with Hokkaido’s rich butter and raisins, is beloved for its luxurious flavor and perfect balance of sweetness. While it can be purchased online or at various stores across Japan, there is nothing quite like buying it directly from one of Rokkatei’s locations in Hokkaido. In this blog, we will explore the appeal of the Butter Sand, how to access Rokkatei stores, accommodation options, dining, and activities for travelers.
The Appeal of Rokkatei’s Butter Sand
Rokkatei’s Butter Sand consists of a rich buttercream and raisins sandwiched between crisp cookies. Its delightful combination of flavors and textures has made it one of Hokkaido’s most famous sweets. The buttercream, made from locally produced Hokkaido butter, is complemented by raisins soaked in rum, creating a dessert that is both luxurious and memorable.
- The Harmony of Butter and Raisins: The richness of the buttercream is perfectly balanced with the sweetness and slight tang of the rum-soaked raisins. The cookies add a satisfying crunch, making each bite a delightful experience. The quality of the ingredients, especially the Hokkaido butter, is what makes this treat stand out.
- A Popular Souvenir: Butter Sand is one of the most popular souvenirs from Hokkaido. Each piece is individually wrapped, making it easy to bring home and share with friends and family. As a symbol of Hokkaido’s rich natural bounty, it’s the perfect gift or keepsake from your travels.
Access Information
Rokkatei has stores across Hokkaido, making it convenient for travelers to pick up Butter Sand during their trip. The main stores in Sapporo and Obihiro are especially easy to access for tourists.
- Sapporo Main Store: Located about a 10-minute walk from Sapporo Station, the Rokkatei Sapporo Main Store is ideally situated for visitors. In addition to purchasing Butter Sand, the store also features a café where you can enjoy Rokkatei’s sweets on the spot. The store’s central location makes it a convenient stop while exploring the city.
- Obihiro Main Store: As the birthplace of Rokkatei, Obihiro is home to the flagship store. Located about 10 minutes on foot from Obihiro Station, this store offers a wider selection of exclusive items. For those visiting the Tokachi region, a stop at Rokkatei Obihiro is a must.
Accommodation Options
After enjoying Butter Sand, you can relax and explore Hokkaido’s beautiful scenery and local culture with a comfortable stay at one of the many accommodation options available in Sapporo and Obihiro.
- Hotels in Sapporo: Sapporo offers a variety of accommodations, from city hotels to business hotels and even hot spring resorts. Staying in the city center gives you easy access to Rokkatei’s main store and other popular sightseeing spots. Many visitors enjoy staying at high-rise hotels with stunning views of the city, or at onsen hotels where they can unwind after a day of sightseeing.
- Onsen Resorts in Obihiro: The Tokachigawa Onsen area near Obihiro is famous for its moor hot springs, which are said to have skin-beautifying properties. After a day of exploring, you can soak in the hot springs and enjoy a relaxing stay in one of the many resorts in the area, offering a truly luxurious Hokkaido experience.
Local Dining
Hokkaido is a food lover’s paradise, and there are plenty of local dishes to enjoy alongside the famous Butter Sand. The region’s fresh seafood and agricultural products make for unforgettable meals.
- Jingisukan (Grilled Lamb): This iconic Hokkaido dish is a must-try. In Sapporo and Obihiro, you can find restaurants specializing in Jingisukan, where lamb is grilled with vegetables and dipped in a special sauce. It’s a perfect meal after a day of exploring and enjoying sweets like Butter Sand.
- Obihiro Pork Bowl: Obihiro is known for its delicious pork bowl, featuring tender pork slices grilled in a sweet and savory sauce served over rice. After visiting the Rokkatei store, it’s worth stopping by a local restaurant to enjoy this hearty local specialty.
Beyond indulging in Rokkatei’s Butter Sand, Hokkaido offers a wide range of activities that allow travelers to explore the region’s nature, culture, and history.
- Sightseeing in Sapporo: Sapporo is home to many historical and cultural landmarks, including Odori Park, the Sapporo Clock Tower, and the Former Hokkaido Government Building. During winter, the famous Sapporo Snow Festival brings the city to life with magnificent ice sculptures and winter festivities.
- Agricultural Experiences in Obihiro: In the Tokachi region, visitors can participate in agricultural activities such as vegetable harvesting and dairy farm experiences. This is a unique opportunity to learn about Hokkaido’s farming culture and enjoy the fresh produce of the region.
Rokkatei’s Butter Sand is one of Hokkaido’s most beloved sweets, offering a rich and luxurious taste of the island’s finest ingredients. Whether you’re visiting the Sapporo or Obihiro main stores, you’ll be treated to an unforgettable dessert experience. As you explore Hokkaido’s natural beauty, enjoy its diverse local cuisine, and participate in unique cultural activities, the Butter Sand will undoubtedly become a sweet memory of your trip. Be sure to pick up a box as a souvenir and enjoy the flavors of Hokkaido long after your journey is over!