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アクセス情報: 留萌市へのアクセスは,札幌からJRで約2時間半,車で約2時間の距離にあります。旭川からも車で約1時間半でアクセスでき,道央や道北からの観光に便利な立地です。市内にはバスも運行しており,主要な観光スポットへの移動もスムーズです。

宿泊情報: 留萌市内には,観光客向けの宿泊施設が充実しています。温泉宿やビジネスホテルが多く,旅の疲れを癒すのに最適です。「留萌温泉ホテル」や「留萌ビジネスホテル」など,市内中心部に位置する宿泊施設は,しらす丼を楽しんだ後にゆっくりと過ごすのにぴったりです。また,海辺に位置する宿泊施設では,美しい夕日を眺めながらのんびりと過ごすこともできます。

グルメ情報: 留萌市では,しらす丼の他にも新鮮な海産物を使った料理が楽しめます。特に,カニやウニ,イクラを使った海鮮丼は,観光客に大人気です。また,留萌は「日本一のニシン漁場」としても知られており,ニシンを使った料理もぜひ試してみてください。地元の食材を活かした料理が堪能できるレストランや食堂が市内に点在しています。

アクティビティ情報: 留萌市では,しらす丼を楽しんだ後に,地元の観光スポットを巡ることができます。特に,「留萌岬」や「黄金岬」からは,日本海に沈む美しい夕日を眺めることができ,写真映えするスポットとしても人気です。また,市内には歴史や文化を学べる博物館や,地元の特産品を購入できる市場もあり,観光の楽しみが広がります。




Enjoying Shirasu-don in Rumoi: A Culinary Journey with Access Information, Accommodation, Cuisine, and Activities

Located on the western coast of Hokkaido, Rumoi City is renowned for its abundance of fresh seafood. Among its culinary delights, “Shirasu-don” stands out as a popular dish, featuring a generous serving of fresh whitebait atop a bowl of rice. Simple yet flavorful, this dish has captivated many with its delicate taste. This article explores the experience of enjoying Shirasu-don in Rumoi, providing essential information on access, accommodation, cuisine, and activities.

The Charm of Shirasu-don

Shirasu-don in Rumoi is a delightful dish that showcases the region’s fresh seafood. The plump, tender whitebait, with its subtle salty flavor, pairs perfectly with the rice, creating a dish that is both satisfying and light. The best time to enjoy Shirasu-don is during the spring and summer months when the shirasu is at its freshest, making it a must-try for visitors.

Where to Enjoy Shirasu-don in Rumoi

Several restaurants and eateries in Rumoi City offer Shirasu-don, with some of the best options found near the fishing port. Places like “Rumoi Fishery Cooperative Restaurant” and “Seafood Dining” serve up bowls of Shirasu-don made with freshly caught whitebait. While the dish is delicious on its own, adding a soft-boiled egg or garnishes allows diners to customize their meal to their taste.

Access Information: Rumoi City is accessible by JR train from Sapporo in about 2.5 hours or by car in approximately 2 hours. It’s also just a 1.5-hour drive from Asahikawa, making it a convenient destination for travelers exploring central and northern Hokkaido. Local buses are available within the city, providing easy access to key tourist spots.

Accommodation Information: Rumoi offers a range of accommodation options for visitors, including hot spring inns and business hotels. After enjoying a meal of Shirasu-don, travelers can relax at places like “Rumoi Onsen Hotel” or “Rumoi Business Hotel,” both conveniently located in the city center. For those looking to unwind by the sea, some accommodations offer stunning sunset views over the Sea of Japan.

Cuisine Information: In addition to Shirasu-don, Rumoi is known for its fresh seafood dishes. Crab, sea urchin, and salmon roe are popular choices, often served in seafood bowls that delight tourists. Rumoi is also famous for its herring, and trying a herring dish is highly recommended. The city has a variety of restaurants and eateries where visitors can savor these local flavors.

Activity Information: After enjoying Shirasu-don, visitors can explore Rumoi’s scenic spots. “Rumoi Cape” and “Golden Cape” offer breathtaking views of the sunset over the Sea of Japan, making them popular photography spots. The city also has museums that showcase local history and culture, as well as markets where you can purchase regional specialties, adding to the overall experience.


Shirasu-don in Rumoi offers a simple yet profound taste of the sea’s bounty, making it a must-try dish for visitors. With easy access, a variety of accommodations, and plenty of sightseeing opportunities, Rumoi is an ideal destination for a trip with family and friends. Be sure to savor the fresh flavors of Shirasu-don while enjoying all that this coastal city has to offer.

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