
アクセス情報: 大雪山へのアクセスは,旭川空港から車で約1時間,または旭川駅からバスで約1時間半の距離にあります。旭岳へのロープウェイを利用すれば,標高1,600メートルまで一気にアクセスでき,そこからスタートするトレイルランニングも人気です。
宿泊情報: 大雪山エリアには,トレイルランニング後にリラックスできる宿泊施設が豊富にあります。「層雲峡温泉」や「旭岳温泉」など,温泉付きの宿泊施設が多数あり,ランニング後の疲れを癒すのに最適です。また,ロッジやキャンプ場も点在しており,自然を満喫しながらの滞在が可能です。
グルメ情報: 大雪山エリアでは,地元の新鮮な食材を使った料理が楽しめます。特に,「層雲峡ラーメン」や「ジンギスカン」は,ランニング後のエネルギー補給にぴったりです。また,地元産の山菜や川魚を使った料理もおすすめで,北海道の自然の恵みを感じながら食事が楽しめます。
アクティビティ情報: 大雪山では,トレイルランニング以外にも多くのアウトドアアクティビティが楽しめます。特に,ハイキングや登山は人気が高く,初心者から経験者まで楽しめるコースが揃っています。また,層雲峡では,四季を通じて楽しめる「銀河の滝」「流星の滝」などの名所も訪れる価値があります。
アクセス情報: 知床へのアクセスは,女満別空港から車で約2時間,または釧路空港から約3時間の距離にあります。ウトロ温泉からは,知床五湖や羅臼岳へのトレイルランニングコースが数多く整備されており,初心者から上級者まで楽しむことができます。
宿泊情報: 知床エリアでは,「ウトロ温泉」や「羅臼温泉」など,温泉付きの宿泊施設が充実しています。特に,トレイルランニング後に温泉で疲れを癒すことができるのが魅力です。また,知床半島を見渡せるロッジやキャンプ場もあり,自然の中での滞在が楽しめます。
グルメ情報: 知床では,新鮮な海の幸を使った料理が楽しめます。特に,「知床産のカニ」や「サケ」「ホッケ」など,地元ならではの海産物は見逃せません。また,ウトロ温泉エリアには,地元の食材を活かしたレストランや居酒屋が多くあり,ランニング後の食事を楽しむのに最適です。
アクティビティ情報: 知床エリアでは,トレイルランニング以外にもさまざまな自然体験が楽しめます。特に,「知床五湖トレッキング」や「クマ観察ツアー」など,手つかずの自然を満喫できるアクティビティが充実しています。また,冬季には「流氷ウォーク」や「流氷クルーズ」など,知床ならではの体験も楽しめます。
Trail Running in Daisetsuzan and Shiretoko: A Nature-Packed Adventure
Hokkaido is known for its expansive natural landscapes, making it an ideal destination for trail running enthusiasts. Daisetsuzan and Shiretoko, in particular, offer some of the best trail running experiences, where runners can immerse themselves in the stunning scenery of forests, mountains, and wildlife. This article explores trail running in Daisetsuzan and Shiretoko, providing essential information on access, accommodation, cuisine, and activities.
Trail Running in Daisetsuzan
Daisetsuzan National Park, located in central Hokkaido, is home to towering mountains, including Mount Asahidake, which stands at 2,291 meters. The park offers a variety of trail running courses suitable for all levels, from beginners to advanced runners. One of the highlights of trail running in Daisetsuzan is the ability to enjoy the changing scenery throughout the seasons, from vibrant alpine flowers in summer to the stunning autumn foliage.
Access Information: Daisetsuzan is accessible by car in about an hour from Asahikawa Airport, or by bus from Asahikawa Station in approximately 1.5 hours. The Asahidake Ropeway takes visitors up to 1,600 meters, making it a popular starting point for trail runs.
Accommodation Information: The Daisetsuzan area offers a range of accommodations where runners can relax after a day on the trails. Onsen (hot spring) resorts such as “Sounkyo Onsen” and “Asahidake Onsen” are popular choices, providing the perfect environment to soothe tired muscles. Lodges and campsites are also available for those who prefer a more immersive nature experience.
Cuisine Information: Daisetsuzan is known for its fresh local cuisine, including dishes like “Sounkyo Ramen” and “Jingisukan” (grilled mutton), which are perfect for refueling after a run. Dishes made with wild vegetables and river fish are also recommended, offering a taste of Hokkaido’s natural bounty.
Activity Information: In addition to trail running, Daisetsuzan offers a variety of outdoor activities, including hiking and mountaineering, with courses available for all skill levels. Sounkyo Gorge, with its famous “Ginga no Taki” and “Ryusei no Taki” waterfalls, is a must-see destination that can be enjoyed year-round.

Trail Running in Shiretoko
Shiretoko Peninsula, a UNESCO World Heritage site, is a pristine natural area offering unparalleled trail running experiences. Shiretoko’s trails take runners through forests and along cliffs overlooking the sea, with the chance to encounter wildlife along the way. The sense of connection with nature is palpable, making trail running in Shiretoko a truly unique adventure.
Access Information: Shiretoko is accessible by car in about 2 hours from Memanbetsu Airport or 3 hours from Kushiro Airport. The trails around Utoro Onsen, including those leading to Shiretoko Five Lakes and Mount Rausu, are well-maintained and suitable for various skill levels.
Accommodation Information: The Shiretoko area offers a range of accommodations, including hot spring resorts like “Utoro Onsen” and “Rausu Onsen.” These are ideal for relaxing after a long run, with the added benefit of soaking in a hot spring while enjoying the stunning views of the Shiretoko Peninsula. Lodges and campsites are also available for a more rustic experience.
Cuisine Information: Shiretoko is famous for its fresh seafood, including local specialties like “Shiretoko crab,” salmon, and atka mackerel. The Utoro Onsen area is home to many restaurants and izakayas where visitors can enjoy these delicacies, making it a great spot to refuel after a trail run.
Activity Information: Beyond trail running, Shiretoko offers a wealth of nature experiences, including the “Shiretoko Five Lakes Trekking” and “Bear Watching Tours,” allowing visitors to immerse themselves in the untouched wilderness. During winter, unique experiences like “Drift Ice Walks” and “Drift Ice Cruises” are also available, showcasing Shiretoko’s distinctive winter beauty.
Trail running in Daisetsuzan and Shiretoko offers a special opportunity to experience the majesty of Hokkaido’s natural landscapes. With easy access, a variety of accommodations, and excellent dining options, these destinations cater to runners of all levels. When visiting Hokkaido, be sure to take on the challenge of trail running in Daisetsuzan or Shiretoko, and enjoy the exhilarating freedom of running through nature.