大通公園会場: 札幌雪まつりの中心となる大通公園会場は,全長約1.5kmにわたって巨大な雪像や氷像が並びます。毎年,国内外のアーティストが手掛けた芸術的な雪像は圧巻の一言です。特に,夜にはライトアップされた雪像が幻想的な雰囲気を演出し,昼間とは異なる魅力を楽しむことができます。また,子供向けの滑り台や,スケートリンクなどのアクティビティも充実しており,家族連れにも人気です。
すすきの会場: すすきの会場は,札幌市の繁華街に位置し,氷像を中心とした展示が特徴です。氷で作られた彫刻は,透明感が美しく,夜にはライトアップされてきらめく姿が魅力です。また,すすきの会場周辺には,多くの飲食店やバーが集まっており,雪まつりの後に北海道のグルメを楽しむのにも最適なエリアです。
つどーむ会場: 家族連れに特におすすめのつどーむ会場は,屋内外で楽しめるアクティビティが豊富です。巨大な雪の滑り台や,スノーラフト体験など,子供から大人まで楽しめるアクティビティが揃っています。また,屋内には飲食ブースもあり,地元の特産品を使った料理を味わうことができます。
アクセス情報: 札幌雪まつりは,札幌市内の主要な会場で開催されるため,アクセスも非常に便利です。大通公園会場やすすきの会場へは,札幌駅から徒歩や地下鉄で簡単にアクセスできます。つどーむ会場へは,地下鉄東豊線「栄町駅」からシャトルバスが運行されています。会場周辺は,祭り期間中に交通規制が行われるため,公共交通機関の利用がおすすめです。

宿泊情報: 札幌市内には,多くの宿泊施設があり,雪まつり期間中も宿泊の選択肢が豊富です。「札幌グランドホテル」や「ホテルオークラ札幌」などの高級ホテルから,「札幌ゲストハウス」などのリーズナブルな宿泊施設まで,旅行者のニーズに合わせた選択が可能です。ただし,雪まつり期間中は混雑が予想されるため,早めの予約が推奨されます。
グルメ情報: 札幌は,美味しいグルメが豊富な都市としても有名です。雪まつり期間中には,特設会場で北海道の特産品を使った料理が楽しめるほか,市内のレストランや居酒屋で,ジンギスカンや海鮮料理,ラーメンなどを堪能することができます。特に,すすきのエリアでは,豊富なグルメスポットが集まっており,雪まつりの後に美味しい食事を楽しむのに最適です。
アクティビティ情報: 雪まつり以外にも,札幌市内ではさまざまな冬のアクティビティが楽しめます。雪まつり会場を巡った後は,「藻岩山」でのナイトスキーや,「白い恋人パーク」でのチョコレート作り体験など,札幌ならではの冬の楽しみ方を体験してみてください。
Highlights of the Sapporo Snow Festival: A Winter Wonderland Experience
The Sapporo Snow Festival is the quintessential winter event in Hokkaido, attracting countless visitors from around the world every February. This grand event features stunning snow and ice sculptures that create a magical winter atmosphere. In this article, we’ll explore the highlights of the Sapporo Snow Festival and provide essential information on access, accommodation, cuisine, and activities for travelers.
Main Attractions of the Sapporo Snow Festival
The Sapporo Snow Festival is held across three main sites, each offering unique attractions that cater to a wide range of interests.
Odori Park Site: The Odori Park site is the heart of the Sapporo Snow Festival, stretching approximately 1.5 kilometers with large-scale snow and ice sculptures. These artistic creations, crafted by both local and international artists, are truly breathtaking. At night, the sculptures are illuminated, creating a different atmosphere that adds to the festival’s charm. The site also features activities like snow slides and an ice skating rink, making it a popular spot for families.
Susukino Site: Located in Sapporo’s entertainment district, the Susukino site is known for its ice sculptures. The transparent ice carvings are mesmerizing, especially when illuminated at night. The area is also home to numerous restaurants and bars, making it an ideal place to enjoy Hokkaido’s culinary delights after exploring the festival.
Tsudome Site: The Tsudome site is particularly popular with families, offering a variety of indoor and outdoor activities. Visitors can enjoy large snow slides, snow rafting, and more. The indoor area features food stalls serving local specialties, providing a warm and cozy spot to take a break.
Access Information: The Sapporo Snow Festival is easily accessible, with sites located in central Sapporo. Odori Park and Susukino are within walking distance or a short subway ride from Sapporo Station. Shuttle buses run from Sakaemachi Station on the Toho Line to the Tsudome site. During the festival, road closures and traffic restrictions are common, so using public transportation is recommended.
Accommodation Information: Sapporo offers a wide range of accommodations, making it easy to find a place to stay during the festival. From luxury hotels like “Sapporo Grand Hotel” and “Hotel Okura Sapporo” to budget-friendly options like guesthouses, there’s something for everyone. However, due to the festival’s popularity, early booking is advised.
Cuisine Information: Sapporo is known for its delicious cuisine, and the Snow Festival is the perfect time to sample local dishes. Special food stalls at the festival sites offer Hokkaido specialties, while restaurants and izakayas in the city serve dishes like Jingisukan (grilled mutton), seafood, and ramen. The Susukino area, in particular, is a great place to explore the city’s vibrant food scene.
Activity Information: Beyond the Snow Festival, Sapporo offers a variety of winter activities. After exploring the festival, visitors can enjoy night skiing at “Mt. Moiwa” or participate in chocolate-making workshops at the “Shiroi Koibito Park.” These unique winter experiences add even more to your Hokkaido adventure.
The Sapporo Snow Festival is a must-see event that showcases the beauty and charm of Hokkaido’s winter. With its stunning snow and ice sculptures, diverse culinary offerings, and exciting winter activities, it’s the perfect destination for a trip with family and friends. When visiting Hokkaido in winter, be sure to experience the grandeur and beauty of the Sapporo Snow Festival.