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シマフクロウ(Bubo blakistoni)は,北海道に生息する世界最大級のフクロウとして知られています。特に,知床や釧路湿原などの自然豊かなエリアで見られるシマフクロウは,その大きさと堂々とした姿が多くの自然愛好家や鳥類観察者を惹きつけています。しかし,シマフクロウは絶滅危惧種であり,その数は非常に少ないため,出会うことは貴重な体験となります。
























The Blakiston’s Fish Owl: A Unique Owl of Hokkaido

The Blakiston’s Fish Owl (Bubo blakistoni), known in Japanese as the Shima-Fukuro, is one of the largest owls in the world and is native to Hokkaido. Found primarily in natural areas like Shiretoko and Kushiro Wetlands, the Blakiston’s Fish Owl captivates nature enthusiasts and bird watchers with its majestic size and presence. However, as an endangered species, it is rare to encounter, making such sightings a truly unique experience.

Characteristics of the Blakiston’s Fish Owl

The Blakiston’s Fish Owl has an impressive wingspan that can exceed 2 meters, with sharp eyes and a large body. It primarily hunts fish, making its habitat along rivers and wetlands. As a nocturnal bird, it is rarely seen during the day, but at night, it can often be spotted silently hunting along rivers. Its graceful flight and sharp hunting skills showcase the beauty of nature and the owl’s role as a top predator in Hokkaido’s ecosystem.

The presence of the Blakiston’s Fish Owl in an area indicates a healthy river and lake environment, making it an important species for understanding the state of local ecosystems.

Where to See the Blakiston’s Fish Owl

The Blakiston’s Fish Owl can only be observed in specific areas of Hokkaido, particularly the Shiretoko Peninsula, Kushiro Wetlands, and Nemuro. Shiretoko offers guided owl observation tours, where expert guides lead small groups to owl habitats for a chance to witness this majestic bird.

Shiretoko Peninsula: In Shiretoko National Park, the owl’s habitat includes dense forests and riversides. The area around Shiretoko Five Lakes and the Rausu River is known for owl sightings, and night tours increase the chances of seeing the owl in action.

Kushiro Wetlands: Kushiro Wetlands not only host the Blakiston’s Fish Owl but are also home to many other wild animals. Winter is an excellent time for bird watching, including observing migratory birds along with the fish owl. Kushiro is easily accessible, with numerous tours available.


For those visiting to observe the Blakiston’s Fish Owl, staying at eco-friendly lodgings close to nature is ideal.

Shiretoko Area Lodging: Shiretoko Grand Hotel Kita Kobushi and eco-resorts like Utoro Onsen offer guided tours to observe the Blakiston’s Fish Owl. Guests can also enjoy fresh seafood and relax in hot springs surrounded by nature.

Kushiro Wetlands Lodging: In Kushiro, accommodations such as Kushiro Prince Hotel and Onneyu Onsen Hotel are situated close to nature. Guests can combine a stay with wildlife tours and relaxing time in a natural hot spring.

Local Cuisine

The areas where the Blakiston’s Fish Owl lives also offer delicious local cuisine that celebrates Hokkaido’s bounty.

Seafood in Shiretoko: Shiretoko is known for its seafood, especially sea urchin, salmon roe, and Atka mackerel (hokke). Local fishermen serve up freshly caught fish, making this a popular choice for travelers.

Robata-Yaki in Kushiro: Kushiro’s famous robata-yaki style allows diners to enjoy fresh seafood and vegetables grilled over an open flame. Local restaurants near the wetlands also serve wild game, allowing visitors to taste the full range of Hokkaido’s natural flavors.


Beyond owl watching, there are many activities in eastern Hokkaido to connect with nature.

Wildlife Observation Tours: Guided tours in Shiretoko and Kushiro offer the opportunity to observe not only the Blakiston’s Fish Owl but also animals like Ezo deer, red foxes, and even brown bears.

Canoeing: Canoeing in the Kushiro Wetlands is a popular activity. From the quiet waters, visitors can spot birds and wildlife up close, and occasionally, the Blakiston’s Fish Owl in flight.

Hot Spring Relaxation: After a day of wildlife watching, soaking in the hot springs in Shiretoko or Kushiro is the perfect way to unwind and reflect on the natural beauty of Hokkaido.


The Blakiston’s Fish Owl is a rare and magnificent symbol of Hokkaido’s rich natural heritage. Observing this endangered owl in its natural habitat, while also enjoying local hot springs, cuisine, and wildlife tours, offers an unforgettable experience. Visitors should embrace eco-tourism principles to ensure the preservation of Hokkaido’s unique ecosystem while savoring the beauty of nature.

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