アクセス情報: 層雲峡へは,旭川駅からバスで約1時間半,新千歳空港から車で約3時間の距離にあります。旭川空港からの直行バスも運行されており,公共交通機関でのアクセスも便利です。また,レンタカーを利用すれば,層雲峡周辺の観光もスムーズに行えます。駐車場も完備されているため,車での訪問も安心です。
宿泊情報: 層雲峡には,温泉付きの宿泊施設が多く,ハイキング後にリラックスするのに最適です。「層雲峡観光ホテル」や「層雲峡朝陽亭」といった大型リゾートホテルから,「層雲峡マウントビューホテル」などの温泉旅館まで,多様な選択肢があります。温泉に浸かりながら,大自然を感じる贅沢なひとときを過ごせます。
グルメ情報: 層雲峡エリアでは,北海道ならではの新鮮な食材を使った料理が楽しめます。特に,山菜やキノコを使った「山の幸料理」や,地元で採れた魚を使った「川魚料理」が人気です。また,地元産の野菜をふんだんに使ったサラダや,北海道ならではの乳製品を使ったデザートもおすすめです。ホテル内のレストランや,地元の食堂でこれらの料理を楽しむことができます。
アクティビティ情報: 層雲峡でのハイキングを楽しんだ後は,温泉でリラックスするのがおすすめです。層雲峡温泉は,豊富な泉質を誇り,体の芯から温まることができます。また,層雲峡温泉街では,地元の工芸品や特産品を購入できるショップもあり,お土産選びにも最適です。さらに,冬季には,層雲峡氷瀑祭りが開催され,氷で作られた美しい造形物を鑑賞することができ,幻想的な雰囲気を楽しめます。

Sounkyo Gorge Hiking: Access Information, Accommodation, Cuisine, and Activities
Sounkyo Gorge, located within Daisetsuzan National Park in Hokkaido, is a breathtakingly beautiful canyon known for its stunning natural scenery and majestic waterfalls. Especially during the autumn season, the gorge is adorned with vibrant foliage that captivates all who visit. This article covers the experience of hiking in Sounkyo Gorge, providing travelers with useful information on access, accommodation, cuisine, and activities.
Gorge Hiking in Sounkyo: An Adventure in Harmony with Nature
Sounkyo is a 24-kilometer-long gorge featuring dramatic cliffs and numerous waterfalls, offering a spectacular natural landscape. The hiking trails are well-maintained for both beginners and experienced hikers. Popular routes include the “Ginga no Taki” (Milky Way Falls) and “Ryusei no Taki” (Shooting Star Falls) courses. These waterfalls are named for the way their waters shimmer like stars and galaxies, enchanting visitors with their beauty. From spring to autumn, the area is also rich in alpine flora, allowing hikers to immerse themselves in the beauty of nature.
Access Information: Sounkyo is accessible by bus from Asahikawa Station in about 1.5 hours, or by car from New Chitose Airport in about 3 hours. There are also direct buses from Asahikawa Airport, making public transportation a convenient option. Renting a car is a great way to explore the Sounkyo area, and parking facilities are available, making driving a stress-free choice.
Accommodation Information: Sounkyo offers numerous accommodations with hot springs, perfect for relaxing after a day of hiking. From large resort hotels like “Sounkyo Kankou Hotel” and “Sounkyo Choyotei” to cozy inns like “Sounkyo Mount View Hotel,” there is a wide range of options to suit every traveler. Soak in the hot springs and enjoy the natural surroundings for a truly luxurious experience.
Cuisine Information: In the Sounkyo area, you can savor dishes made with fresh, local ingredients from Hokkaido. Mountain vegetable and mushroom dishes, as well as river fish specialties, are particularly popular. Additionally, salads made with locally sourced vegetables and desserts featuring Hokkaido’s famous dairy products are highly recommended. You can enjoy these dishes at hotel restaurants or local eateries.
Activity Information: After a day of hiking in Sounkyo, relaxing in the area’s hot springs is a must. Sounkyo Onsen boasts a variety of hot springs known for their healing properties, providing warmth and relaxation. The Sounkyo Onsen town also has shops where you can purchase local crafts and specialties, making it a great place for souvenir shopping. In winter, the Sounkyo Ice Fall Festival takes place, where visitors can admire stunning ice sculptures and enjoy the magical, frozen landscape.
Hiking in Sounkyo Gorge offers an unparalleled opportunity to experience the natural beauty of Hokkaido. The magnificent gorge, cascading waterfalls, and seasonal splendor leave a lasting impression on all who visit. With convenient access, nearby hot spring accommodations, and delicious local cuisine, Sounkyo is an ideal destination for a full day of adventure and relaxation. Enjoy the serenity of nature as you hike through Sounkyo Gorge and create unforgettable memories.