アクセス情報: 知床五湖へは,女満別空港から車で約2時間半,または釧路空港から車で約3時間半の距離にあります。知床自然センターから知床五湖までのバスが運行されており,公共交通機関を利用してもアクセス可能です。レンタカーを利用する場合は,現地の駐車場が利用できますが,特に夏季には混雑することがあるため,早めの出発がおすすめです。
宿泊情報: 知床五湖をゆっくり楽しむためには,知床エリア内に宿泊するのがおすすめです。「知床グランドホテル北こぶし」や「ホテル地の涯」などの温泉宿では,大自然の中で温泉に浸かりながらリラックスできます。また,知床プリンスホテル風なみ季では,地元の食材を使った美味しい食事を楽しみながら,快適な滞在が可能です。
グルメ情報: 知床エリアでは,新鮮な海産物や山の幸が楽しめます。特に,知床半島の海で獲れた新鮮な魚介類を使った「海鮮丼」や,「知床牛のステーキ」が人気のメニューです。また,地元産の野菜を使ったサラダや,知床産のジビエ料理も見逃せません。知床五湖周辺には,レストランやカフェも点在しており,トレッキングの後に一息つくことができます。
アクティビティ情報: 知床五湖トレッキング以外にも,知床エリアではさまざまなアクティビティを楽しむことができます。特に,クルーズツアーでは,海から知床半島の断崖絶壁や滝,さらには野生動物を観察することができ,知床の自然をより深く体感できます。また,カヤックやフィッシングなど,アウトドアスポーツも充実しており,アクティブな旅を楽しむことができます。冬季には,スノーシューを履いてのトレッキングも人気です。

Shiretoko Goko Lakes Trekking: Access Information, Accommodation, Cuisine, and Activities
Shiretoko Goko Lakes, located in the UNESCO World Heritage site of Shiretoko Peninsula, offer a stunning and serene natural setting where five lakes are scattered amidst untouched wilderness. This area provides visitors with breathtaking views of the Shiretoko mountain range reflected in the tranquil lake surfaces, especially during the changing seasons. This article covers the trekking experience around Shiretoko Goko Lakes, including useful information on access, accommodation, cuisine, and activities for travelers.
Trekking Shiretoko Goko Lakes: A Scenic Experience Immersed in Nature
The Shiretoko Goko Lakes trekking course spans about 3 kilometers, offering a 1.5 to 2-hour hiking experience through pristine nature. Each of the five lakes presents a unique landscape, with the majestic Shiretoko mountains reflected in the calm waters, providing a picturesque setting, especially during the morning and evening light. This area is also home to various wildlife, and lucky visitors might spot Ezo deer, red foxes, or even brown bears during their trek.

Access Information: Shiretoko Goko Lakes can be reached by car in about 2.5 hours from Memanbetsu Airport or about 3.5 hours from Kushiro Airport. Buses run from the Shiretoko Nature Center to the lakes, making them accessible by public transportation as well. If you’re driving, parking is available at the site, but it can get crowded during the summer, so it’s recommended to start your day early.
Accommodation Information: To fully enjoy the Shiretoko Goko Lakes, staying within the Shiretoko area is recommended. Hot spring inns like “Shiretoko Grand Hotel Kitakobushi” and “Hotel Chinohate” offer a relaxing retreat in nature. At Shiretoko Prince Hotel Kazenamiki, you can enjoy delicious meals made with local ingredients while staying in comfort.
Cuisine Information: The Shiretoko area is known for its fresh seafood and mountain produce. Dishes like “Kaisendon” (seafood bowl) made with locally caught fish, and “Shiretoko Beef Steak” are popular menu items. Don’t miss the local vegetable salads and Shiretoko-sourced game dishes as well. There are restaurants and cafes around the lakes where you can take a break after your trek and enjoy a refreshing meal.
Activity Information: In addition to the Shiretoko Goko Lakes trekking, the Shiretoko area offers a variety of activities. Boat cruises are especially popular, allowing you to observe the towering cliffs, waterfalls, and wildlife of the Shiretoko Peninsula from the sea, offering a deeper connection with the area’s nature. Other outdoor activities include kayaking, fishing, and winter snowshoe trekking, providing an active and adventurous experience throughout the year.
Trekking around the Shiretoko Goko Lakes offers a unique opportunity to connect with nature in a breathtakingly beautiful setting. The serene lakes, majestic mountains, and encounters with wildlife create unforgettable memories for all who visit. With relatively easy access and a range of nearby accommodations and dining options, Shiretoko is a perfect destination for a refreshing and immersive nature experience. Enjoy the wonders of Shiretoko’s natural beauty and make your journey one to remember.