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アクセス情報: 大雪山へは,旭川駅から車で約1時間,旭川空港からは約40分でアクセス可能です。旭岳ロープウェイの山麓駅までは,車でのアクセスが便利で,駐車場も完備されています。また,夏季には,旭川駅から直行バスも運行されており,公共交通機関を利用する旅行者にとってもアクセスがしやすいです。

宿泊情報: 大雪山での登山を楽しむには,山麓エリアにある宿泊施設に滞在するのがおすすめです。「旭岳温泉ホテルディアバレー」や「湯元銀泉閣」などの温泉宿では,登山後の疲れを癒すことができ,温泉に浸かりながら大自然の中でリラックスすることができます。これらの宿泊施設は,旭岳ロープウェイからも近く,登山前後の拠点として最適です。

グルメ情報: 大雪山エリアでは,地元の新鮮な食材を使った料理が楽しめます。旭岳温泉の宿泊施設では,北海道産の食材を使った懐石料理や,ジビエ料理が提供されており,登山で消費したエネルギーをしっかりと補給することができます。また,登山道の途中には,携帯用の軽食やドリンクを販売している売店もあるため,行動食を準備しておくと便利です。

アクティビティ情報: 登山と合わせて楽しみたいのが,高山植物の観察です。大雪山は,日本の高山植物の宝庫とも呼ばれ,約200種類以上の高山植物が自生しています。特に,7月から8月にかけては,エゾツツジやウスユキソウ,チングルマなどが咲き乱れ,登山道を彩ります。また,秋には,紅葉が美しく色づき,大自然の中で四季の移り変わりを感じることができます。さらに,冬季には,スノーシューハイキングやスキーも楽しめ,1年を通じてさまざまなアクティビティが満喫できます。




Hiking and Alpine Plant Observation in Daisetsuzan: Access Information, Accommodation, Cuisine, and Activities

Daisetsuzan, located in central Hokkaido, is Japan’s largest mountain national park, attracting many hikers and nature lovers with its vast wilderness and stunning seasonal landscapes. Particularly from summer to autumn, the mountains are adorned with vibrant alpine flowers, creating a breathtaking spectacle. This article focuses on hiking and alpine plant observation in Daisetsuzan, providing travelers with useful information on access, accommodation, cuisine, and activities.

Hiking in Daisetsuzan: Scenic Trails for All Skill Levels

Daisetsuzan offers a variety of hiking trails suitable for both beginners and experienced climbers. Among these, Mount Asahidake, standing at 2,291 meters, is the most popular. A ropeway takes you up to around 1,600 meters, from where a two-hour trail leads to the summit. The trail is relatively easy, making it accessible even for beginners. At the summit, a panoramic view of the Daisetsuzan mountain range unfolds, with distant peaks visible on clear days.

Access Information: Daisetsuzan is accessible by car from Asahikawa Station in about an hour or from Asahikawa Airport in about 40 minutes. The base station of the Asahidake Ropeway is easily reached by car, with parking available. During the summer, direct buses from Asahikawa Station are also available, making it convenient for travelers using public transportation.

Accommodation Information: To fully enjoy hiking in Daisetsuzan, it’s recommended to stay in one of the accommodations near the base of the mountains. Hot spring inns like “Asahidake Onsen Hotel Deer Valley” and “Yumoto Ginsenkaku” offer a relaxing experience, where you can soothe your tired muscles in natural hot springs after a day of hiking. These accommodations are also conveniently located near the Asahidake Ropeway, making them ideal bases for your hiking adventure.

Cuisine Information: The Daisetsuzan area is known for its fresh local ingredients. At accommodations in the Asahidake Onsen area, you can enjoy kaiseki (traditional multi-course meals) featuring Hokkaido produce and wild game dishes, providing the nourishment you need after a day on the trails. Additionally, small shops along the hiking paths sell snacks and drinks, so it’s helpful to carry some light refreshments with you.

Activity Information: In addition to hiking, alpine plant observation is a must-do activity in Daisetsuzan. The park is home to over 200 species of alpine plants, making it a treasure trove for plant enthusiasts. From July to August, flowers like Ezo-tsutsuji (Rhododendron), Usuyuki-so (Leontopodium), and Chinguruma (Geum pentapetalum) bloom in abundance, adding vibrant colors to the trails. In autumn, the mountains are adorned with brilliant fall foliage, offering a stunning display of nature’s changing seasons. Additionally, winter brings opportunities for snowshoe hiking and skiing, allowing visitors to enjoy a wide range of activities throughout the year.



Hiking and alpine plant observation in Daisetsuzan offer a unique opportunity to immerse yourself in Hokkaido’s breathtaking natural beauty. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced hiker, the diverse trails and the vibrant seasonal landscapes of Daisetsuzan promise unforgettable memories. With convenient access, nearby accommodations, and excellent cuisine, you can take your time exploring and fully appreciating the wonders of Daisetsuzan. This summer, make Daisetsuzan your destination for a refreshing and inspiring adventure in nature.

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