
アクセス情報: 旭山動物園へは,旭川駅からバスで約40分,旭川空港からは車で約30分の距離にあります。また,札幌からの直行バスも運行されており,札幌から約2時間半で到着します。冬季には,路面が凍結することがあるため,車でのアクセスには注意が必要です。

宿泊情報: 旭山動物園の周辺には,家族連れに人気の「旭川グランドホテル」や,「ラビスタ大雪山」といった温泉宿があります。これらの宿泊施設では,動物園で一日を楽しんだ後,温泉でゆっくりと疲れを癒すことができます。また,旭川市内には,リーズナブルなビジネスホテルも多く,観光とビジネスの両方に便利です。
グルメ情報: 旭山動物園の敷地内には,地元の食材を使った軽食やスナックを楽しめるカフェがあります。特に人気なのは,ペンギンをイメージした「ペンギンソフトクリーム」や,ホッキョクグマの顔をあしらった「ホッキョクグマパン」です。旭川市内では,旭川ラーメンが有名で,「あさひ食堂」や「梅光軒」といったラーメン店が地元の味を提供しています。
アクティビティ情報: 旭山動物園では,季節ごとにさまざまなイベントが開催されます。冬には,ペンギンが園内を行進する「ペンギンの散歩」が特に人気で,雪の中を歩くペンギンたちの可愛らしい姿を間近で見ることができます。また,園内には,動物とのふれあい体験ができるコーナーもあり,小さなお子様連れでも楽しめます。動物園を訪れた後は,近隣の「旭山記念公園」での自然散策や,「大雪山国立公園」でのハイキングもおすすめです。
Unique Animal Observation at Asahiyama Zoo: Access Information, Accommodation, Cuisine, and Activities
Asahiyama Zoo, located in Asahikawa City, Hokkaido, is a popular tourist destination attracting visitors from both Japan and abroad. This zoo is dedicated to “behavioral exhibitions,” which aim to showcase animals’ natural behaviors, allowing visitors to enjoy observing lively and active animals in a setting that closely resembles their natural habitats. In this article, we will focus on the unique animal observation experiences at Asahiyama Zoo, providing travelers with useful information on access, accommodation, cuisine, and activities.
The Charm of Asahiyama Zoo: Enjoying Animals’ Natural Behaviors Through Behavioral Exhibitions
The greatest appeal of Asahiyama Zoo lies in its “behavioral exhibitions,” where animals are presented in a way that encourages their natural behaviors. For example, the Penguin House features the “Penguin Underwater Tunnel,” a transparent tunnel through which visitors can watch penguins swim from below. The Polar Bear House allows visitors to see polar bears dynamically dive into the water up close. Additionally, the Seal House’s “Marine Way” offers a fascinating view of seals swimming vertically through a cylindrical tank, creating the illusion that they are flying through the air.
Access Information: Asahiyama Zoo is about a 40-minute bus ride from Asahikawa Station or a 30-minute drive from Asahikawa Airport. Direct buses from Sapporo are also available, with a travel time of approximately 2.5 hours. In winter, it is advisable to be cautious when driving, as the roads may be icy.
Accommodation Information: Nearby Asahiyama Zoo, there are popular family-friendly accommodations such as “Asahikawa Grand Hotel” and the hot spring inn “La Vista Daisetsuzan.” These lodging options allow guests to relax in a hot spring after a day at the zoo. Additionally, there are many affordable business hotels in Asahikawa City, making it convenient for both tourists and business travelers.
Cuisine Information: Within Asahiyama Zoo, there are cafes where visitors can enjoy snacks and light meals made with local ingredients. Popular items include “Penguin Soft Cream,” inspired by the penguins, and “Polar Bear Bread,” shaped like a polar bear’s face. Asahikawa is also famous for its ramen, with local ramen shops like “Asahi Shokudo” and “Baikoken” serving delicious Asahikawa ramen.
Activity Information: Asahiyama Zoo hosts various seasonal events. In winter, the “Penguin Walk,” where penguins parade through the zoo, is especially popular, offering a close-up view of the adorable penguins walking through the snow. The zoo also has areas where visitors can interact with animals, making it a great destination for families with young children. After visiting the zoo, nearby natural spots such as “Asahiyama Memorial Park” and hiking in “Daisetsuzan National Park” are also recommended.
Asahiyama Zoo is renowned for its “behavioral exhibitions,” where animals can be observed in their natural states, offering visitors an engaging and lively experience. With excellent access, a variety of nearby accommodations, and plenty of dining options, the zoo provides a full day of enjoyment. Seasonal events and activities add new experiences with each visit, making it a place worth returning to. Be sure to visit Asahiyama Zoo for a unique and memorable animal observation experience.