アクセス情報: 枝幸町へは,札幌から車で約5時間,新千歳空港から車で約6時間の距離にあります。また,旭川からは車で約3時間半でアクセス可能です。公共交通機関を利用する場合は,JR札幌駅から宗谷本線で稚内駅まで行き,そこからバスで枝幸町まで約2時間の移動となります。ドライブを楽しむには,レンタカーの利用がおすすめです。
宿泊情報: 枝幸町には,地元の温泉宿やペンションがあり,ゆったりとした滞在が楽しめます。「ホテルニュー幸林」や「枝幸温泉ホテル花の湯」が特に人気で,オホーツク海を眺めながら温泉に浸かれる贅沢な時間を過ごせます。海岸線のドライブを満喫した後,温泉でリラックスするのはいかがでしょうか。
グルメ情報: 枝幸町は,オホーツク海で獲れる新鮮な海産物が自慢です。特に,ホタテはこの地域の特産品で,地元のレストランでは,新鮮なホタテを使ったさまざまな料理が楽しめます。ホタテの刺身やバター焼き,ホタテご飯など,シンプルながら素材の味を活かした料理が絶品です。また,「枝幸漁港市場」では,新鮮な海産物をその場で調理してもらうことができ,海の幸を存分に楽しむことができます。

アクティビティ情報: 枝幸町でのドライブ中には,海岸線沿いのビューポイントで写真を撮るのがおすすめです。特に,「オホーツク展望台」からは,オホーツク海を一望できる絶景が広がり,訪れる価値があります。また,ホタテ料理体験では,地元の漁師さんが教えてくれるホタテの捌き方や調理法を学ぶことができ,貴重な体験となるでしょう。さらに,冬の時期には,流氷観光船に乗って,流氷を間近で見ることができるアクティビティも楽しめます。
Coastal Drive and Scallop Culinary Experience in Esashi Town
Esashi Town in Northeastern Hokkaido: A Scenic Destination with Beautiful Coastlines and Fresh Seafood
Esashi Town, located in northeastern Hokkaido, is a tourist destination known for its stunning coastal scenery and fresh seafood. The coastal drive along the Sea of Okhotsk is especially famous as a scenic route where you can enjoy the changing landscapes of each season. Additionally, Esashi Town is renowned for its scallops, and you can savor dishes made with fresh scallops. In this article, we will provide travelers with useful information on a coastal drive around Esashi Town and the experience of enjoying scallop dishes.
Coastal Drive in Esashi Town: A Journey through the Scenic Okhotsk
The coastline of Esashi Town offers a picturesque drive along the Sea of Okhotsk, where you can enjoy beautiful landscapes. In summer, the striking contrast between the blue sea and the lush green land is a sight to behold, while in autumn, the scenery is adorned with colorful foliage. In winter, the coast is transformed into a mystical landscape with drifting ice, offering different charms throughout the year. During the drive, you can visit small fishing villages and local fishing ports along the coastline, where you can indulge in fresh seafood.
Access Information: Esashi Town is about a 5-hour drive from Sapporo and about 6 hours by car from New Chitose Airport. It can also be accessed by car from Asahikawa in about 3.5 hours. If using public transportation, take the JR Soya Line from Sapporo Station to Wakkanai Station, then transfer to a bus for about a 2-hour ride to Esashi Town. Renting a car is recommended to fully enjoy the drive.
Accommodation Information: Esashi Town offers local hot spring inns and pensions where you can enjoy a relaxing stay. “Hotel New Korin” and “Esashi Onsen Hotel Hana no Yu” are particularly popular, offering luxurious moments as you soak in hot springs while overlooking the Sea of Okhotsk. After a day of enjoying the coastal drive, relaxing in a hot spring is highly recommended.
Gourmet Information: Esashi Town boasts fresh seafood from the Sea of Okhotsk. Scallops are a specialty of the region, and local restaurants offer a variety of dishes made with fresh scallops. Whether it’s scallop sashimi, grilled scallops with butter, or scallop rice, these simple yet flavorful dishes highlight the quality of the ingredients. At the “Esashi Fish Market,” you can also have fresh seafood cooked on the spot, allowing you to fully enjoy the bounty of the sea.
Activity Information: While driving through Esashi Town, it’s recommended to stop at scenic viewpoints along the coastline for photography. The “Okhotsk Observatory” in particular offers a breathtaking panoramic view of the Sea of Okhotsk, making it well worth a visit. The scallop cooking experience, where local fishermen teach you how to prepare and cook scallops, is also a valuable experience. Additionally, in winter, you can enjoy an activity of boarding an icebreaker cruise to see the drift ice up close.
Esashi Town is a wonderful tourist destination where you can enjoy the beautiful coastline along the Sea of Okhotsk and savor fresh scallops. The coastal drive offers breathtaking seasonal scenery, and the scallop culinary experience allows visitors to taste the local specialty. With its variety of activities, including hot spring accommodations and drift ice sightseeing, Esashi Town is perfect for family trips or romantic getaways. Be sure to visit Esashi Town to experience the natural beauty and culinary delights of Okhotsk.