アクセス情報: 厚沢部町は,函館から車で約1時間半の距離にあり,アクセスも良好です。函館空港からはレンタカーを利用するのが便利で,公共交通機関を利用する場合は,函館駅から厚沢部町行きのバスも運行されています。また,夏季には観光客向けのシャトルバスも運行されているため,旅行計画に合わせて利用できます。

宿泊情報: 厚沢部町での宿泊には,農家体験ができる民泊施設や温泉宿があります。特に,体験民泊では,農家の家に滞在し,地元の食材を使った家庭料理を楽しむことができます。また,「厚沢部温泉」では,温泉に浸かりながらリラックスした時間を過ごすことができ,自然の中でのんびりとしたひとときを満喫できます。
グルメ情報: 厚沢部町では,地元で採れた新鮮な農産物を使った料理が楽しめます。ブルーベリー摘み取り体験の後には,摘み取ったばかりのブルーベリーを使ったデザートや,ジャム作り体験もおすすめです。また,地元産の野菜をふんだんに使ったサラダや,特産品を使った料理も楽しめるレストランが町内に点在しています。
アクティビティ情報: ブルーベリー摘み取り体験以外にも,厚沢部町では自然を満喫できるアクティビティが充実しています。森林浴を楽しめるハイキングコースや,川沿いでの釣り体験など,自然と触れ合うアクティビティが豊富です。また,地元の歴史や文化を学べる施設もあり,観光を通じて厚沢部町の魅力を再発見することができます。
Blueberry Picking Experience in Assabu: Agricultural Experience and Natural Charm
Located in southern Hokkaido, Assabu Town is a beautiful area where rich nature and agriculture harmonize. During the summer, blueberry picking is a popular activity, and staying at a local farmhouse while experiencing agricultural work has become a favorite among travelers. This article provides detailed information about the blueberry picking experience in Assabu, including access, accommodation, cuisine, and activities.
The Charm of Blueberry Picking: Fresh Fruit and Agricultural Experience
Assabu’s blueberry farms are known for their fresh fruit, nurtured in a vast natural environment. The blueberry picking experience allows visitors to pick and taste the berries themselves, making it an ideal activity for families and groups. The picking season runs from July to August when the berries are at their ripest, offering a sweet and juicy treat.
In addition to picking, the farm stay experience offers programs where guests can participate in various farming activities. This provides a valuable opportunity to learn about the agricultural process, interact with local people, and immerse oneself in the culture and lifestyle of the region.
Access Information: Assabu Town is about a 1.5-hour drive from Hakodate, making it easily accessible. Renting a car from Hakodate Airport is convenient, and buses are available from Hakodate Station to Assabu. During the summer, shuttle buses for tourists are also available, allowing for flexible travel planning.
Accommodation Information: Accommodation in Assabu includes farm stays and hot spring inns. Farm stays offer a unique experience where guests stay with local farmers, enjoying home-cooked meals made with local ingredients. “Assabu Onsen” is another great option, providing a relaxing hot spring experience amidst nature.
Cuisine Information: In Assabu, visitors can enjoy dishes made with fresh local produce. After blueberry picking, trying desserts made with freshly picked blueberries or participating in jam-making is highly recommended. The town also boasts restaurants that serve dishes featuring locally grown vegetables and specialties.
Activity Information: Beyond blueberry picking, Assabu offers a variety of activities that allow visitors to enjoy nature. Hiking trails for forest bathing and fishing along the rivers provide opportunities to connect with nature. There are also facilities where visitors can learn about the local history and culture, offering a comprehensive experience of Assabu’s charm.
The blueberry picking experience in Assabu offers a unique opportunity to enjoy fresh fruit and agricultural work in a beautiful natural setting. With easy access and a variety of accommodations and dining options, it is an ideal destination for families and friends. Visit Assabu Town to experience the rich nature and culture of the region, and enjoy a fulfilling time immersed in its offerings.