アクセス情報: 美瑛町へは,旭川空港から車で約30分,または旭川駅からJR富良野線で約30分の距離にあります。美瑛駅からはレンタサイクルやレンタカーを利用して,ドライブコースを巡るのが便利です。また,夏季には観光バスも運行されており,車を運転しない旅行者でも気軽に観光を楽しむことができます。

宿泊情報: 美瑛町には,多様な宿泊施設が揃っており,丘の風景を楽しめるロッジやペンション,温泉宿が人気です。「美瑛ハイランドロッジ」や「美瑛の森ホテル」などでは,自然に囲まれた中でのんびりと過ごすことができ,夜には満天の星空も楽しめます。また,美瑛市内には,リーズナブルな価格で宿泊できるゲストハウスもあり,バックパッカーや若い旅行者にもおすすめです。
グルメ情報: 美瑛町では,地元で採れた新鮮な農産物を使った料理が楽しめます。特に,美瑛産のジャガイモやアスパラガスを使った料理が人気で,地元のレストランやカフェで提供されています。また,「美瑛カフェ」のように,地元の素材を活かしたスイーツも豊富に楽しめます。美瑛の名物である「びえい豚」の料理も絶品で,旅行者にぜひ試してもらいたい一品です。
アクティビティ情報: 美瑛町では,サイクリングやウォーキングを楽しむことができるほか,季節によってさまざまな体験プログラムが用意されています。春から秋にかけては,ラベンダー畑や花畑を巡るツアーが人気で,冬にはスノーシューを履いての雪上ハイキングも楽しめます。また,地元の工芸品作りや農作業体験など,地域ならではのアクティビティも充実しています。
Biei’s Scenic Hills and Drive Routes: A Journey Through Seasonal Beauty
Located in central Hokkaido, Biei Town is renowned for its stunning rolling hills and seasonal landscapes that captivate visitors. The vast fields, blue skies, and gentle hill lines create some of Japan’s most picturesque scenery. This article provides detailed information on driving routes through Biei’s hills, including access, accommodation, cuisine, and activities for travelers.
The Charm of Biei’s Hills: Nature’s Patchwork Landscape
Biei’s hills feature two main driving routes: the “Patchwork Road” and the “Panorama Road.” The Patchwork Road takes you through a rural landscape of rolling hills, where the fields create a beautiful patchwork, especially from summer to autumn. Iconic spots like “Ken and Mary’s Tree” and the “Seven Stars Tree” are scattered along the route, offering plenty of opportunities for stunning photographs as you discover your favorite views.
In contrast, the Panorama Road offers even broader vistas, with views of the Tokachidake mountain range from the “Shinei no Oka Observatory Park.” The expansive sky and land merge into a breathtaking panorama, particularly at sunrise and sunset, creating a truly awe-inspiring experience.
Access Information: Biei Town is about a 30-minute drive from Asahikawa Airport or a 30-minute ride on the JR Furano Line from Asahikawa Station. Renting a bicycle or car from Biei Station is a convenient way to explore the driving routes. During the summer, sightseeing buses also operate, making it easy for travelers without a car to enjoy the area.
Accommodation Information: Biei offers a variety of accommodations, including lodges, pensions, and hot spring inns with views of the hills. “Biei Highland Lodge” and “Biei no Mori Hotel” are popular choices, offering a relaxing stay surrounded by nature and the chance to enjoy starry night skies. There are also budget-friendly guesthouses in Biei City, perfect for backpackers and young travelers.
Cuisine Information: In Biei, you can savor dishes made with fresh local produce. Biei-grown potatoes and asparagus are particularly popular and featured in many local restaurants and cafes. Sweets made with local ingredients, such as those offered at “Biei Cafe,” are also a highlight. The local specialty “Biei Pork” is another must-try, offering a taste of the region’s culinary excellence.
Activity Information: In addition to driving, Biei offers cycling and walking opportunities, as well as various seasonal experience programs. From spring to autumn, lavender and flower field tours are popular, while winter brings snowshoe hiking on the snowy hills. Local crafts and farming experiences also provide unique ways to connect with the community and culture.
Biei’s scenic hills and driving routes offer a unique opportunity to immerse yourself in the natural beauty of Hokkaido. With easy access, abundant accommodations, and excellent dining options, it’s an ideal destination for trips with family and friends. Experience the seasonal beauty of Biei as you explore the rolling hills and create unforgettable memories.